BAREFOOT BOWLING — 16 February 2020.

Arti­cle by Peter Charman

The day didn’t start out too promis­ing, very cloudy and not too con­ducive to out­door bowl­ing, but as the day pro­gressed the sun came out and much work to be done organ­is­ing play­ers of two from our club and two from Blue Hills Rise.

A club meet­ing going on in the back­ground whilst oth­ers rearranged the fur­ni­ture and wip­ing down tables cov­ered in water from all the rain we had.

Then lunch was the first pri­or­i­ty – can­not bowl on an emp­ty stom­ach eh Derk! Sausages in bread (sounds famil­iar) and cakes washed down with cof­fee. The bar not being open caused a bit of heartache, but there was no-one on duty to open it.

Let the bowl­ing begin. Much laugh­ter and plen­ty of mis­takes to learn from. The game con­sist­ed of 10 ends. After 5 ends, a break for cof­fee & cake. The sec­ond half, the game start­ed to lift its tem­po as the play­ers got the hang of the game of bowls.

The first half saw Ray Dag­gers score low, a bit of stage fright, but soon lift­ed his game in the sec­ond half, scor­ing much bet­ter. Peter Cor­ri­g­an was heard to say “I wouldn’t mind play­ing bowls on a more seri­ous nature”. I think it might have a few more hooked also.

Win­ners on the day were as fol­lows:
EMHC Bowls win­ners — Michael Del­zop­po & Rob Martel­la
EMHC Raf­fle win­ners — Brett Del­zop­po, Michael Del­zop­po, Kelvin Thomas

The day turned out to be a suc­cess and a big thank you to Blue Hills Rise and Jim & Ter­ry and their band of helpers for anoth­er fun day.

Mem­bers with ear­lies.
Jim & Kay Bish­op
Peter & Cyn­thia Char­man
Peter & Lin­da Cor­ri­g­an
Ray & Diane Eaton
Bruce & Lil­lian Gra­ham
Rod & Sharon Grum­mitt
Gar­ry Hodge
Ray Howlett
Kelvin & Dawn Thomas (friends of Ray & Di Eaton)
Derk Tuik
Mark & Janet Waghorn
Jeff & Susanne White

Mem­bers with­out.
Alan & Jan Del­zop­po
Michael & Brett Del­zop­po
Jason King
Ray & Di Martella