Essendon Holden Car Show — Nov 2019

Well I am get­ting spoilt aren’t I. Two runs to Essendon in a year. This one was­n’t planned by the club, Amy from Essendon Hold­en sent out an invite to our club to see if we were inter­est­ed in show­ing our cars at the grand reopen­ing of Essendon Hold­en at Essendon Fields (Essendon Air­port). Of course, I would say yes as I think the com­mute to the deal­er­ship took me a whole 5 min­utes using the back roads.

On my arrival, it was nice to see 2 mem­bers already parked and wait­ing. It was a good sight to see Neville’s FX sedan and camper and Bren­ton parked out­side the deal­er­ship. I could only imag­ine what it would have looked like back in the fifties with the ear­lies parked out the front of Hold­en. There was already a two-tone green sedan on the lot in readi­ness for the day. This car belongs to anoth­er Essendon local, who hap­pened to join us on the Air­ways muse­um ear­li­er in the year.

On my arrival I drove straight onto the lot and posi­tioned my car. Bren­ton soon fol­lowed, whilst Neville kept his car and trail­er out the front to wel­come all com­ers. Rus­sel King arrived short­ly there­after, and we were then greet­ed by 2 Mel­bourne Chap­ter mem­bers Graeme Knorr in his nice look­ing creme FJ Pan­el­van and Mick Granger in his green FX sedan (Richards old car). Short­ly after I then heard the noise of our sea­soned trav­eller from Trar­al­gon, Gary His­lop in his FJ Pan­el­van. Gary parked on the lot and it did make for a nice pho­to opportunity.

There were a few oth­er Holden’s there that came and went dur­ing the day, a late mod­el Monaro which was very loud, a few Toranas, and a HQ.

The deal­er even had a black FX sedan which on clos­er inspec­tion turned out to be a Novem­ber 1949 build. We sat around until about 2pm enjoy­ing the hos­pi­tal­i­ty of all the mem­bers and the excel­lent facil­i­ties and food pro­vid­ed by Essendon Holden.

At 2pm there was a short pre­sen­ta­tion, with Gary His­lop, Rus­sel King and Neville Maw­er all tak­ing a prize home.

Thank you for all of those who attend­ed, it was a small dis­play of club cars but an enjoy­able day by all that attended.

Mem­bers with ear­lies.
Gary and Judy His­lop Jason King (& Jan till lunch time)
Rus­sell King
Neville Maw­er Bren­ton Schier

Mem­bers without.

FX — FJ Hold­en Club of Aus­tralia Inc. Mel­bourne Chap­ter Mem­bers
Mick Granger
Graeme Knorr