March 2022

Hi all,

Wel­come to the March newsletter.

Been a rather short month as it was only 28 days in Feb­ru­ary, but we did have a great overnight run with our friends at the Mel­bourne Chap­ter down to Terang in West­ern Vic­to­ria, vis­it­ing the old Hold­en deal­er. There were some great pho­tos tak­en at the loca­tion and was a great day had by all that attended.

This month’s run will be to the Kil­more Gaol on Sun­day 20th March 2022. We will be leav­ing the clu­b­rooms at 9.00am sharp and meet­ing up at the Shell Ser­vice Sta­tion at Bunker Hill (Kalka­llo — just after Craigieburn) for those mem­bers who are join­ing the run there. We will be leav­ing the Ser­vice Sta­tion just after 10.00am

I announced at last month’s meet­ing that this year’s Pres­i­dents Run will be to the His­tor­i­cal town of Mary­bor­ough on the week­end of the 18th and 19th of June. We will be trav­el­ling via Castle­maine where we have a planned tour of the Castle­maine Hot Rod Shop on our way to Mary­bor­ough. I emailed all club mem­bers (who have email) a fly­er dur­ing the month. Please see Janine to book your room for the week­end away.

As you are aware our club is host­ing the 43rd FX FJ Vic­to­ri­an State Titles on the week­end of 15 and 16th of Octo­ber at the Atu­ra Dan­de­nong. If you have not already booked your accom­mo­da­tion for this great week­end or sent your entry form in, (why not) can you please do this as soon as pos­si­ble. Rooms are fill­ing fast, and it will be a great week­end away with all our Vic­to­ri­an friends from the oth­er clubs.

Dur­ing the month I attend­ed Cooma NSW for a Nation­als meet­ing. I am on the Nation­als com­mit­tee. Again, for those who don’t know or can’t recall the Nation­als are on this year over the Christ­mas / New Years break. Many have already booked their accom­mo­da­tion for the Nation­als but will need to re-enter the Nation­als as all mon­ey was refund­ed to entrants after the 2020 Nat’s were can­celled due to COVID. The nation­als will be a great event, we have some goof events and day trips planned.

We still have some 50th mer­chan­dise avail­able and some cof­fee cups and bot­tles of wine for sale. If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing these please see Rod or Bruce.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
