February 2022 – Weekend away — Terang

Arti­cle by Jason King

This run was a joint run with our friends at the Mel­bourne Chapter

The run start­ed quite ear­ly for most mem­bers and even ear­li­er for Kim Radenic and Mau­rie Tehan who had to make the long jour­ney from Morn­ing­ton to the meet­ing point of the BP Ser­vo at Aval­on for an 8.00am start.

On arrival at Aval­on, we were meet by club Mem­bers Chris and Jane Fox, Big Trev and Sue, Kim and Mau­rie who must have left real ear­ly to beat most of us there. There were many mem­bers from the Mel­bourne Chap­ter, and we were def­i­nite­ly the small­er club in the terms of attendance.

Any­ways, we left Aval­on for our first stop of Colac in South West­ern Vic­to­ria. Pap­py (from the Mel­bourne Chap­ter) had arranged this week­end as Colac was host­ing a car show right in the mid­dle of town. Our cars did not enter, we just stopped in Colac and had a look around at the car show for over an hour before we con­tin­ued west.

We con­tin­ued and had our lunch in Camper­down. It was such a nice sight to see with a col­lec­tion of our 18 icon­ic FX and FJ Hold­ens in such a beau­ti­ful set­ting. After some of us had lunch and con­sumed prob­a­bly the biggest sausage rolls a bak­ery in Aus­tralia could make, we made the short trip to Terang.
On arrival at Terang, we went to the old Chris­tians Hold­en deal­er­ship and set up the deal­er­ship with a dis­play of our cars. For any­one who had dri­ven past could have eas­i­ly been mis­tak­en for think­ing they were in a scene from back to the future and had land­ed in Feb­ru­ary 1956 not Feb­ru­ary 2022. (Per­haps the odd face mask gave it away how­ev­er that it was 2022).

After many pho­tos some mem­bers went off to vis­it a win­ery and then even­tu­al­ly made it back to the Motels. Now I did say that Big Trev was on this trip, so on arrival back at the Motel, Big Trev was rather thirsty and need­ed a refresh­ing ale or 3 or 4. I won’t elab­o­rate on how many he had at the Motel before din­ner, but if any­body wants to guess by all means. He must have had a few because when I was hav­ing a show­er he walked into my bath­room. (no more to say) and he did ring Kim Radenic’s wife ask­ing why she was not on the run.

We even­tu­al­ly made our way for din­ner at a local pub and great con­ver­sa­tion and com­pa­ny was had by all. The meals were excel­lent, and the venue was great. We even­tu­al­ly all left and head­ed back to our respec­tive Motel and rooms.
The next morn­ing, I awoke to Big Trev and Kim talk­ing loud­ly out­side my door (who needs an alarm). We even­tu­al­ly packed up and some mem­bers con­tin­ued the jour­ney down to War­rnam­bool. Janine, Kim, Mau­rie and I start­ed our jour­ney home from Terang. We stopped in Colac for some breakfast.

It was an excel­lent run. There were 36 per­sons in atten­dance (only 5 from our club) and 18 FX and FJ vehi­cles (4 from our club).

Mem­bers with earlies.

Trevor and Sue Dempsey
Chris and Jane Fox
Jason and Janine King
Kim Radenic

Mem­bers without.

Mau­rie Tehan