Newsletter for entrants 14 Sept 2022

Update for Entrants to Burns & Co and His­lop Car­a­van & Fibre­glass Repairs  43rd FX FJ Vic State Titles Hi all, with a month to go I want­ed to pro­vide all entrants some addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion on theupcom­ing FX FJ State Titles. Entries are going well after the enforced hia­tus from car shows that we have all had with COVID,there…

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Hi all, LAST CALL FOR BOOKINGS — 1 ROOM AVAILABLEALL DEPOSITS DUE BY APRIL MEETINGPres­i­den­t’s Run to Mary­bor­ough 18th — 19th June.Book­ings close off at April Meet­ing. Deposit of $50 per book­ing due at April Meet­ing.Please see Janine at meet­ing for enquiries, book­ings or deposit pay­ments. Or con­tact mobile 0425705682.Note: 1 room left at main motel. Once this motel…

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EMHC Update 50th Anniversary Shirts Wed 5 May 2021

50th ANNIVERSARY POLO SHIRT We are delight­ed to announce our 50th Anniver­sary Polo shirt which is now avail­able to order. To cel­e­brate the 50th year of the Ear­ly Mod­el Hold­en Car Club of Vic­to­ria we have designed a polo shirt in pre­dom­i­nate­ly in the colours of the club. The polo is now avail­able for order­ing at the cost of $30 dol­lars each. Orders…

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EMHC Update Monday 22 June 2020

Hi All, I hope every­one is well. Just when I thought we could come out and have club activ­i­ties again, this COVID19 virus has hit Vic­to­ria again and the Pre­mier has decid­ed to put restric­tions back into place. What this means for the club is the fol­low­ing Club Meet­ings The July club meet­ing for Wednes­day 1st July 2020 will not…

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43rd FX FJ Victorian State Titles Postponed

Fol­low­ing a com­mit­tee meet­ing last night the dif­fi­cult deci­sion has been made to post­pone the 43rd FX FJ Vic­to­ri­an State Titles. The State Titles had been sched­uled to be held on Octo­ber 24 and 25 2020 at the Her­itage Golf and Coun­try Club in Chirn­side Park. In light of the cur­rent restric­tions in place for the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and…

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Corona Virus — EMHC Update

Hi all, This morn­ing a spe­cial com­mit­tee meet­ing was held via tele­con­fer­ence, to deter­mine the clubs posi­tion on club events in the wake of the coro­na virus. It was agreed unan­i­mous­ly amongst the com­mit­tee meet­ing that were present, that ALL CLUB ACTIVITIES be sus­pend­ed until 1st May 2020. This deci­sion will be reviewed in the last week of April…

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COVID-19 Update

Hi all, Last Thurs­day the club exec­u­tive includ­ing myself, Jim Bish­op, Rod Grum­mitt and Peter Cor­ri­g­an had a tele­con­fer­ence to make a club update on club activ­i­ties as a result of the cur­rent pan­dem­ic that we are all liv­ing through. It was decid­ed (and not unex­pect­ed) that we will extend the sus­pen­sion of club activ­i­ties through to June 1…

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