March 2023

The FX/FJ Nation­als results have been finalised and sent to all Entrants which shows Brock Kings­ley 1st place Mod­i­fied Street Cus­tom and equal 1st award­ed in Street Cus­tom to Steven Haasz and Scott & San­dra Camp­bell, all oth­er places remain unchanged. Con­grat­u­la­tions to all tro­phy win­ners. The month of March brings our fundrais­er at Bun­nings Ver­mont South and we would like for all those mem­bers who can attend to con­tact Gary Hodge so those can help can be sched­uled in appro­pri­ate time slots. For those mem­bers who for what ever can’t help in the tent we will have our gaze­bo their to pro­vide shel­ter from the ele­ments. Please bring your cars and show them off to the public.

The club run for March is Bare­foot lawn bowl­ing which is indeed a fun day and Peter Char­man has been plan­ning a great day for all. There is ample park­ing avail­able for all. Please also check out our cal­en­dar of runs so you can plan for our upcom­ing car runs, some short some long.

Our club run for the Month of May will be a work­ing bee at the club rooms and although we no longer are respon­si­ble for the Build­ing Main­te­nance we have sole pos­ses­sion of the Com­mit­tee Room and Garage which every­one who attends the rooms from time to time will under­stand these areas are in need of atten­tion. So on that day bring you cars have a chat and help us reor­gan­ise so that we can be more effi­cient and the areas will be more user friend­ly in the future.

We also have some items for sale at good prices left over from pre­vi­ous func­tions that I’m sure would be of inter­est to all which we will dis­play at our month­ly meetings.

Our run to Marysville in Feb­ru­ary was an extreme­ly good run, beau­ti­ful sun­ny day, good roads a very pleas­ant set­ting by the Steav­en­son Riv­er and good com­pa­ny. Check out the run report. In clos­ing the key date to remem­ber for Pre­sen­ta­tion Night is 29th July 2023. Put it in your calendar.

Bruce Gra­ham