July 2023

Wel­come to July. It is a bit scary that half of the year has dis­ap­peared. It does how­ev­er put us into a time where a few things are happening.

Just in case there is ques­tion why the Vice Pres­i­dent is writ­ing this report, the Pres­i­dent (Bruce) is cur­rent­ly on hol­i­days over­seas at the moment. He is due to return in mid July and as much as we hope he & Lil­lian have a good hol­i­day, we also hope they return safely.

The club run for June has occurred and a good time was had by all. It showed there are a few peo­ple who have had some pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence with 10 Pin Bowl­ing. The run report can be reviewed in the newsletter.

As men­tioned ear­li­er, we are half way through the year, which reminds us of our mem­ber­ship renew­al. If you have not renewed your mem­ber­ship, please do so, with the options of how to pay being avail­able in the Newslet­ter. As a gen­tle reminder, mem­bers on the Club Per­mit scheme must be a finan­cial mem­ber of the club, to allow their con­tin­ued par­tic­i­pa­tion in the scheme for their vehicle(s).

Com­ing up on July 29 is the Pre­sen­ta­tion night. There are cur­rent­ly a num­ber of mem­bers who have paid, but there are vacan­cies avail­able. Please con­sid­er attend­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion night and details are in the newslet­ter. The plan­ning is well under way and final arrange­ments are being made. To coin a phrase from a TV add – BE THERE!

The Pres­i­dent pre­vi­ous­ly spoke about ‘mak­ing the club more pro­fes­sion­al’ and there are many aspects to achiev­ing this aim. To take anoth­er step, Aldo and I attend­ed a sem­i­nar run by the AOMC on Club Gov­er­nance and Man­age­ment. Some infor­ma­tion was pro­vid­ed in rela­tion to Finances, mem­ber­ship lists, insur­ances and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. There are also some changes relat­ing to tax­a­tion that will require some atten­tion. The details of some of the items are still being devel­oped and as the Com­mit­tee work through the items, the infor­ma­tion will be shared with the mem­ber­ship when it is available.

In recent times there have been a num­ber of our mem­bers who have not been well. The first to men­tion is Ray Dag­gers and it was good news to hear he is at home and recov­er­ing. We have also heard that Kevin Baird has been unwell also. As a club, it is impor­tant for us to sup­port and be there for our mem­bers. We wish every­one a speedy recov­ery, who have been unwell and look for­ward to see­ing every­one at the Club events. If you hear of any mem­bers being unwell or need­ing assis­tance, let a com­mit­tee mem­ber know.

Stay safe and enjoy your dri­ving when you get the Ear­lies out for a run.

Bren­ton Schier

(Vice Pres­i­dent)