August 2022

Hi all,

Wel­come to the August newslet­ter and my last as Pres­i­dent. Tonight, we will be vot­ing for a new com­mit­tee, I wish every­one who joins the com­mit­tee the best of luck and to the new Pres­i­dent, you have my sup­port, and I am only a phone call away if you ever need to dis­cuss anything.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we start my report with the sad news of the pass­ing of a favourite club mem­ber and all-round good bloke, Chris Shep­herd, who passed on the 25th of July. The funer­al was yes­ter­day, and many mem­bers turned out to send Chris off. On behalf of Janine and myself my con­do­lences go out to his fam­i­ly and friends at this sad time.

Our club Pre­sen­ta­tion night was held at the Knox Club on Sat­ur­day the 16th of July and was a good night had by all. I con­grat­u­late every win­ner on the night. I have includ­ed in this newslet­ter a list of the tro­phy win­ners, but I have removed the names of some mem­bers who were not there, so they can be re-announced at the August meet­ing and be pre­sent­ed with their tro­phy then.

Well, we raised a great deal of mon­ey with our auc­tions. Gary His­lop pulled no punch­es and killed all the bid­ding on the rub­ber kit with a bid of $2000. Speak­ing to Gary after­wards, his strat­e­gy was sim­ple, he need­ed one for his sedan build and it was eas­i­er to buy it for that price and the club ben­e­fit from the mon­ey it sold for.

Our run for the month of August, will be a run at the club rooms for State Titles prepa­ra­tion. This is your chance to have your car scru­ti­neered and find out why it is in the spe­cif­ic class for the state titles. I encour­age all of those that can attend, to attend.

Just on State Titles, if you don’t have your entry in by now, please see one of the com­mit­tee mem­bers and enter tonight. Remem­ber it does not mat­ter, what type of con­di­tion your car is in. It is a club run with all our friends from the oth­er Vic­to­ria FX FJ clubs.

As I men­tioned at the June meet­ing and at the Pre­sen­ta­tion night this is my last year as Pres­i­dent as I will not be renom­i­nat­ing at the August AGM, as I have accept­ed a job out­side Mel­bourne. I would like to per­son­al­ly thank all of the com­mit­tee mem­bers over my time as Pres­i­dent for the excel­lent sup­port they have giv­en me and the club. I how­ev­er would like to sin­gle the oth­er guys that have sat up at the front table with me, Bruce, Rod, and Peter, with­out your ongo­ing sup­port the run­ning of the club would have been much more dif­fi­cult dur­ing the COVID years.

I will remain a mem­ber of the EMHC, and I am not lost to the FX FJ move­ment, and you will see me at the State Tiles and def­i­nite­ly the Nation­als in Cooma.

Any­way, that’s it for me for the month and for my time as Pres­i­dent. I hope that I have left the club in a strong posi­tion, just like I inher­it­ed from Derk all those years ago.

Please take care and keep enjoy­ing dri­ving your humpies.
