December 2022

First­ly, on behalf of the Ear­ly Mod­el Car Club I would like to wish Rod Grum­mitt and his fam­i­ly our con­do­lences on the pass­ing of his moth­er at the age of 102 years, also Lil­lian Gra­ham and her on the pass­ing of her moth­er at the age of 97 years.

We have a rel­a­tive­ly qui­et month with only one run to Coal Creek Korum­bur­ra and I would like to thank all those braved the almost win­try con­di­tions to ven­ture out for the day.

Thank you to Kim for organ­is­ing the run and to those who may not have heard Kim has resigned from the com­mit­tee for time being and hope­ful­ly he will return to the com­mit­tee at some stage. Dur­ing the month I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to go to Shep­par­ton and catch up with Bar­ry Maxted and present him with his Life Mem­ber­ship award which put a smile on his face after not being able to attend the state titles. (flood­ed in)

The Novem­ber Gen­er­al meet­ing was chaired by our Vice Pres­i­dent who by all reports did a great job so well done and thank you BRENTON.

The new com­mit­tee of only 4 Months has been out­stand­ing and has cov­ered for me from time to time I would like to that them for all their hard work as those who attend­ed the Xmas Break Up would have witnessed.

And I can’t thank enough all the club mem­bers who put their hands up to help when the com­mit­tee mem­bers need some help at any time. Its what makes the club such a good place to come to.

I’m off to Cooma for the nation­als over Xmas, catch up with some peo­ple we haven’t seen for a long time so for those who are going we will par­ty in the hills.

As this is the final newslet­ter for the year from myself and the com­mit­tee, we would like to wish all our mem­bers a Mer­ry Xmas and Hap­py New Year. Keep safe and well and we will see you next year.

Bruce Gra­ham

EMHC Pres­i­dent