December 2021

Hi all,

Wel­come to the Decem­ber newslet­ter and the last newslet­ter for the year. Like 2020 this year has had many dis­rup­tions due to COVID19 and restric­tions that have tak­en place in Vic­to­ria (and even hard­er in Mel­bourne) to pre­vent us from get­ting togeth­er face to face.

Well tonight is our first meet­ing face to face in many months and it is always good to see famil­iar faces, which shows that our club mem­bers still shares the pas­sion of the club.

Last Sun­day we had our first offi­cial club run for a few months to Kyne­ton. All I can say is what a fan­tas­tic day the club had. It was fan­tas­tic weath­er and fan­tas­tic num­bers of ear­lies and peo­ple present. There were 41 peo­ple in atten­dance, with 21 ear­lies a 60’s Ford (Wayne Flem­ing) and 2 cars some mem­bers haven’t ever seen or haven’t seen in quite a long time, that being Bruce Graham’s FJ sedan and Richard Fox’s FX con­vert­ible, which was pre­vi­ous­ly owned by the late Mau­rice Cole from the Syd­ney chap­ter. I think our club sec­re­tary Rod Grum­mit summed up the mood of the run with a text mes­sage to me the next day which read that it was a “great day, some excel­lent dri­ving and a very com­fort­able feel­ing with all members”.

This Sun­day the 5th of Decem­ber we will be hav­ing our Christ­mas get togeth­er at Peter Corrigan’s place. Yes, it is also Bathurst week­end so we will be watch­ing the great race at Peters place. The club will be pro­vid­ing the food and mem­bers are request­ed to bring their own drinks etc. (and a chair).

I would like to thank in my report Gary His­lop and his busi­ness for the work he com­plet­ed on the BBQ trail­er at his work dur­ing the month of Novem­ber. If you get the chance, ask Gary to show you the con­di­tion of the tyres that were on the trail­er. Thanks to Gary the BBQ trail­er is again road­wor­thy and we can again take it on many runs like we did last Sunday.

Remem­ber there is no meet­ing in Jan­u­ary and the Feb­ru­ary meet­ing on the 2nd of Feb­ru­ary 2022 will be like oth­er years where we will be hav­ing a club BBQ at the club rooms before the meet­ing start­ing at 6.30pm

We are cur­rent­ly plan­ning a run and overnight week­end with the Mel­bourne Chap­ter for the week­end of the 20th and 21st of Feb­ru­ary to War­rnam­bool. More details will fol­low, and I will update mem­bers via email and oth­er means before the next meet­ing in Feb­ru­ary. Pap­py from the Mel­bourne Chap­ter is cur­rent­ly work­ing out the details.

Any­way, that’s it for me (for the year). Janine and I would like to wish every mem­ber and their fam­i­lies and won­der­ful Christ­mas and a very hap­py and pros­per­ous 2022.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
