March 2019

Hi all,

We are already into the third month of the year, so this year is real­ly start­ing to fly. The cold­er months will be here before we know it. Unfor­tu­nate­ly I could not get to the last club run on the 17th of Feb­ru­ary, as I was in hos­pi­tal for a med­ical pro­ce­dure. But I sur­vived that and I am fine, by all accounts I hear that the run on the 17th was a great turn out for those who attended.

As I write this we have just had our Bun­nings Sausage Siz­zle on Sat­ur­day 2nd March at Not­ting Hills Bun­nings. Thanky­ou for all who gave up their time to man the BBQ sta­tion on such a hot 38 degree day. Talk about com­plete oppo­sites with the weath­er, last year is was so cold and wet when we did Bun­nings and this year was so hot. It did get quite slow from 2.00pm but who could blame any­one, who real­ly would want to make a trip to Bun­nings at 2.00pm on a 38 degree day. We are yet to tal­ly up the results of our work, but we should know the tal­ly by tonights meeting.

At our last com­mit­tee meet­ing it was decid­ed that the Pres­i­dents run for 17th March will be moved to May or June, due to the fact that the air muse­um at Essendon air­port is an indoor muse­um and might be bet­ter suit­ed for the cold­er and rainier months. So, the only up and com­ing run this month now that the Bun­nings run was com­plet­ed last Sat­ur­day the 2nd of March, will be with the men’s shed on Sat­ur­day 30th March 2019. There will be more details on this at tonight’s meeting.

Over the last few weeks, I have field­ed quite a few new mem­ber enquiries, which just goes to show that there are many FX and FJ Holden’s out there, that we may not have seen yet. If any new mem­bers are read­ing this report, please feel to intro­duce your­self and dis­cuss your car build or plans. Our club has a wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence and would be more than hap­py to share.

At the last Com­mit­tee Meet­ing some run ideas where dis­cussed, this includ­ed a run around the bay and oth­ers. We real­ly need to start think­ing about some runs and per­haps we could dis­cuss this at our next meeting.

There are a few major birth­day mile­stones hap­pen­ing which I would like to add to the newslet­ter, but unforun­tat­ley we do not have every­ones birth­day. If you want to be includ­ed in the newslet­ter for your up and com­ing birth­day, please let Rod know your birth­date (includ­ing year), thanks.

I would like to add that I have heard that Kevin Baird is slow­ly on the improve since his stroke, and we wish him the most speedy recovery.

That’s about it for me for this month.

Until next month, stay safe and safe travels.
