May 2022

Hi all,

Wel­come to the May newsletter.

By all accounts it appeared to be a good run to the Nation­al Steam Trains in Scores­by. Our club even took out an award for the best club.

The year seems to be fly­ing by. It is already May, and the days are get­ting short­er, and the weath­er is start­ing to get a lit­tle cool­er. This month’s run is on Sun­day the 15th of May is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent as we are head­ing to Bendi­go for a day trip to vis­it the Elvis: Direct from Grace­land pre­sen­ta­tion being held at the Bendi­go Art Gallery. The cost to enter the exhi­bi­tion is $30 for an adult and $25 for a con­ces­sion. This is a lim­it­ed run show and is only in Bendi­go until July, hence the rea­son we are doing the run this month. We will be leav­ing the club rooms at 8.30am and leav­ing Calder Park ser­vice sta­tion at 10.00am sharp.

The Pres­i­dents Run to be held on the week­end of the 18th and 19th of June to Mary­bor­ough is booked out at the motel we are stay­ing in. Bal­ances are due by the end of May. Please see details in this newslet­ter on how to pay Janine the out­stand­ing balance.

As we are get­ting clos­er to the mid-year mark, that means that we are get­ting clos­er to our clubs Pre­sen­ta­tion night. This year it will be held on the 16th of July at the Knox Club in Wan­tir­na South. More details will be made avail­able short­ly regard­ing price and menu.

Our club is host­ing the 43rd FX FJ Vic­to­ri­an State Titles on the week­end of 15 and 16th of Octo­ber at the Atu­ra Dan­de­nong. If you have not already booked your accom­mo­da­tion for this great week­end or sent your entry form in, can you please do this as soon as pos­si­ble. Rooms are fill­ing fast, and it will be a great week­end away with all our Vic­to­ri­an friends from the oth­er clubs.

Don’t for­get the Nation­als are on this year over the Christ­mas / New Years break. In Cooma NSW. Many have already booked their accom­mo­da­tion for the Nation­als but will need to re-enter the Nation­als as all mon­ey was refund­ed to entrants after the 2020 Nat’s were can­celled due to COVID. The nation­als will be a great event, we have some good events and day trips planned.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
