September 2023

Wel­come to Sep­tem­ber and yes, it is me again, fill­ing in for the Pres­i­dent, while he and Lil­ian take anoth­er hol­i­day. Hope they are enjoy­ing their time away.

It is a warm wel­come to the Office Bear­ers and the new Com­mit­tee and fol­low­ing the recent Com­mit­tee meet­ing there is a high con­fi­dence the team will con­tin­ue to work and keep the club mov­ing for­ward. For those who have resigned from the com­mit­tee, a large ‘Thank You’ for your time and ener­gy over the last 12 months.

The run to Castle­maine to vis­it Rod Hadfield’s Muse­um was well attend­ed and was a good day. Tro­phies! There were so many tro­phies which just rein­forces Rod Hatfield’s tal­ent build­ing var­i­ous cars over the years. Catch the full run report in the newsletter.

This month will see the annu­al Inter-club Chal­lenge with the Mel­bourne Chap­ter to be held on Sep­tem­ber 17 at the For­est Hill 10 Pin Bowl­ing facil­i­ty. It would be good to see every­one there to sup­port the Club and improve the chances of retain­ing the tro­phy. The details can be found in the newslet­ter and we will be seek­ing to get some idea of the num­ber of peo­ple who plan to attend.

Along with mov­ing into Sep­tem­ber, the weath­er is like­ly to improve.….slightly. This should allow us to get our Ear­lies out and about and enjoy them. From a per­son­al point of view, it was good to get my car out for the run to Castle­maine, after it had been in the shed for the year get­ting some minor improvements.

Stay safe and enjoy your dri­ving when you get the Ear­lies out for a run.

Bren­ton Schier

(Vice Pres­i­dent)