Writ­ten by JANINE KING (First Lady)

This month, for some­thing dif­fer­ent, we hit the north­ern sub­urbs where our Pres­i­dent resides.  Jason and I chose a great lit­tle inter­est­ing and unknown muse­um who dis­plays all Melbourne’s old air­port con­trol tow­er equip­ment.  This includes air traf­fic radios, run­way bea­cons, air­craft pas­sen­ger seat­ing, pilot and air host­ess uni­forms and a mas­sive amount of maps, pho­tos and films.

After a con­voy leav­ing the club rooms at 10am, every­one arrived by 11am. Coin­ci­dent­ly, a non-mem­ber with a 2 tone green FJ sedan was dri­ving through the air­port and spot­ted our ear­lies.  He pulled up for a chat and decid­ed to join us on our run.  We were wel­comed by our 2 hosts, vol­un­teers Mau­rice and Peter. We signed the guest reg­is­ter and even­tu­al­ly made our way to the the­atrette for an intro­duc­tion and a 20min film which explained the role of the air con­trol tow­er and how com­mu­ni­ca­tion evolved through the years.  Mau­rice is the per­son in charge of con­vert­ing the old Super 8 films to dig­i­tal and after the short film, he sur­prised us a quick 5 min com­pi­la­tion of old Hold­en com­mer­cials from the 50s/60s/70s to our delight and some which were so moral­ly wrong these days, but so fun­ny at the same time.  Mau­rice put this togeth­er just for us and gave a copy of the DVD to Jason for our collection.

Many mem­bers, along with Jason and I were blown way at the run’s atten­dance.  It was a gor­geous sun­ny winter’s day and I think the fact that we had a run over the oth­er side of town, attract­ed our west­ern and north­ern mem­bers (espe­cial­ly includ­ing our Bendi­go & Kyne­ton mem­bers), who may not get the chance to attend run’s which are most­ly south/east.

The muse­um put on a basic morn­ing tea of tea, cof­fee and bis­cuits. I decid­ed to bake a car­rot cake and my son, Lennon, made some choc chip cook­ies which all hit the spot on that chilly morn­ing. By 1pm, we then made our way 1km down the road to the Sky­ways Hotel at West­field, Air­port West. Again, we had a great turn out of about 32 for lunch. Jason and I invit­ed a few back to our place for a cup­pa and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to check out Jason’s cur­rent 3 FJ’s (sedan, pan­el van & ute).  It was a real­ly enjoy­able day and it appeared that every­one had a great time.

Mem­bers with Ear­lies.
Jim & Kay Bish­op
Phillip & Janelle Cleven with Fam­i­ly
Trevor & Sue Dempsey
Daryl & Jeanette Dunn
Ray & Dianne Eaton Doug & Jean Hed­ing­ton. WB P/ van
Ray Edsall Bob Peime. EH Ute
Gar­ry Hodge & Kim Radenic
Rohan John­stone, & Mum
Jason & Janine King with the Boys
Rus­sell King
Rick & Jen­ny Kings­ley,. New mem­ber
Bren­ton Scheir.
Greg & Phyll Spotka­eff.
Derk Tuik
Steve & Maria.Loxton. New mem­ber , we hope.

Mem­bers with­out,
Michael & Brett Del­zop­po
Rod & Sharon Grum­mitt
Gary & Judy His­lop
Michael Hedger