April 2023

Our fundrais­er at Bun­nings Ver­mont South was a huge suc­cess thanks to all those mem­bers who attend­ed and worked so hard.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the late with­draw­al of a cou­ple of mem­bers due to rea­sons beyond their con­trol, we were down in num­bers and so those who did attend had to make up the short­fall. My per­son­al thanks to Gar­ry, Aldo, Alan and Michael for their great work to help the club.

It was also good to have the sup­port those mem­bers who came along for a chat in the gaze­bo name­ly Ray and Val Dag­gers and to Ray in par­tic­u­lar, who found the Sausages to his lik­ing. We will be hav­ing anoth­er Bun­nings fundrais­er in Novem­ber due to Bun­nings appre­ci­at­ing our par­tic­i­pa­tion and desire to sup­port our club. We hope we can get a few more mem­bers to come along to help those who have been car­ry­ing the load.

The club run for March was Bare­foot lawn bowl­ing which was indeed a fun day and thanks to Peter Char­man for plan­ning a great day for all. (Run report by James Cresswell)

Please also check out our cal­en­dar of runs so you can plan for our upcom­ing car runs, some short some long.

April run is to Won­thag­gi (Aldo has pro­vid­ed details)

Our club run for the Month of May will be a work­ing bee at the club rooms and although we no longer are respon­si­ble for the Build­ing Main­te­nance we have sole pos­ses­sion of the Com­mit­tee Room and Garage which every­one who attends the rooms from time to time will under­stand these areas are in need of atten­tion. So on that day bring you cars have a chat and help us reor­ga­nize so that we can be more effi­cient and the areas will be more user friend­ly in the future.

We also have some items for sale at good prices left over from pre­vi­ous func­tions that I’m sure would be of inter­est to all which we will dis­play at our month­ly meetings.

Pre­sen­ta­tion Night is 29th July 2023. Put it in your calendar.

Bruce Gra­ham