September 2021

Hi all,

Wel­come to the Sep­tem­ber newslet­ter and yes, we are back in lock­down. We went back into lock­down just the day after the August meet­ing. Let’s hope the next few months we can start to get out in the great out­doors again and we have an inter­rupt­ed sum­mer in a few months’ time.

Last month we were able to have an Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing, which we were unable to hold last year. I thank the club mem­bers for show­ing faith in me and re-elect­ing me Pres­i­dent again. The exec­u­tive — the peo­ple up the front stayed unchanged; how­ev­er, the com­mit­tee had a few small changes as we wel­comed Gary His­lop and Kim Radenic to the com­mit­tee. I thank Michael Del­zop­po and Geoff Ogden for the work they have con­tributed to the com­mit­tee the last few years. Since we have not had a pre­sen­ta­tion night yet, Derk is still lin­ger­ing on the com­mit­tee as “Top Club­man” until this year’s top club­man has been presented.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, about a week after the AGM, Jim Bish­op con­tact­ed me and resigned from the com­mit­tee due to per­son­al rea­sons. I want to thank Jim for all the hard work he has done for the EMHC espe­cial­ly in these try­ing times due to COVID, I per­son­al­ly know the hard work Jim has put into arrang­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion night, which did not eventuate.

To fol­low on from the last para­graph, the pre­sen­ta­tion night was not held in August as COVID won that bat­tle again. We will try and run some sort of pre­sen­ta­tion night at a meet­ing or at anoth­er event when we can. At this stage there is no plans on when we are hold­ing and pre­sent­ing the awards as we just don’t know when we can hold it at this stage.

It is also with regret the 50th Anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tions have been can­celled. I made a post on social media report­ing this. Again, this has been a vic­tim to COVID and like the pre­sen­ta­tion night there is no set plans to hold anoth­er func­tion for the 50th. I want to thank all that have put in a lot of work organ­is­ing what would have been a great night and in par­tic­u­lar to Bruce Gra­ham for all he has done in work­ing on the 50th.

Just on Bruce Gra­ham, with the sud­den res­ig­na­tion of Jim as Vice Pres­i­dent, a dis­cus­sion was held, and Bruce was asked to be Vice Pres­i­dent of the club to which he agreed. So wel­come back to Vice Pres­i­dent land Bruce (a posi­tion he has held before).

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, anoth­er vic­tim to COVID has been this year’s inter­club chal­lenge with the Mel­bourne Chap­ter. This event has been can­celled again for this year. We will catch up with the Mel­bourne chap­ter, once we are out of lock­down again.

How­ev­er, on a pos­i­tive note, the State Titles planned for in 6 weeks or so are still going ahead. So, if you have not entered, I encour­age you to enter as soon as pos­si­ble. Obvi­ous­ly if things were to change club mem­bers would be noti­fied as ear­ly as possible.

Any­way, that’s it for me for the month.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
