June 2023

The month of May sees the con­tin­u­a­tion of changes to the club that start­ed by our past pres­i­dent Jason King dur­ing Covid to make us a more pro­fes­sion­al club and with the sign­ing of the lease agree­ment for the club rooms we continued.

Dur­ing the last two months the com­mit­tee has made plans for the redesigned of the com­mit­tee room and the reor­gan­i­sa­tion of the garage to enable our club to func­tion in a more organ­ised fashion.

Dur­ing the passed week­end the plans can to fruition with the help of many ded­i­cat­ed mem­bers who turned up on a cold wet Sun­day morn­ing and with clear will to do what­ev­er was need­ed to com­plete the task. (see the run report) It indeed high­lights the lev­el of good­will in the club giv­en num­bers that turned up and type of tasks set for mem­bers to car­ry out, some not pleas­ant but no one complained.

There was a short break for a bite to eat and they were back into it with great gusto.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly because the task was so great there wasn’t much time to talk cars.

From myself and the com­mit­tee, we like to thank every­one who helped out and par­tic­u­lar thanks to Aldo for his work on build­ing and installing the cup­boards and shelves a to Steve Davies for his work on the Desk, Shelf and wall hangings.

I would hope that this work will allow all new com­mit­tees to be bet­ter armed in the future to car­ry out their roles when required.

The next task is around the cor­ner and we will update you in the near future.

Bruce Gra­ham
