April 2022

Hi all,

Wel­come to the April newsletter.

We had a good run dur­ing the month of March where we went to the Kil­more Gaol in Kil­more. Although it was only a small Gaol, it was nice to learn a bit about the his­to­ry of Kil­more back in the 19th cen­tu­ry. It was good to see some mem­bers that don’t go on many runs attend this one. A nice day was had by all.

Dur­ing the month I have spo­ken to Jules Knight up in Bris­bane, who informed me that the Bris­bane clubs are putting in a pro­pos­al for the 2024 Nation­als to be held in Cleve­land in Bris­bane. Although there may be oth­er clubs that may put a bid in to host the 2024 Nation­als at least it is good to see we have at least one club/city pre­pared to put there hand up. I know from my per­spec­tive it will be seen as final­ly mov­ing on with this pan­dem­ic. For those that don’t know I’m on the com­mit­tee for the 2022 Nation­als in Cooma and due to COVID we have been plan­ning this event now for 4 years.

I know of at least 2 break­downs over the month. One involved a mem­ber with a 49 sedan and a diff and the oth­er involved Derk in his sedan. Derk was head­ing to the Kil­more run when he broke down. For­tu­nate­ly for Derk he did not get too far from home and the tow truck got his car home with no dra­ma. I do know talk­ing to Derk, the motor is now out of his car, and he is look­ing at a clean-up of the motor etc.

Dur­ing the month Janine and I head­ed up to Mary­bor­ough and Castle­maine for a recon­nais­sance trip to do more plan­ning for the Pres­i­dents Run to be held on the week­end of the 18th and 19th of June. The accom­mo­da­tion looks to be excel­lent with good hosts. We also dropped into the Castle­maine Hot Rod Shop on our way home and dis­cussed the tour. At time of writ­ing there is only one room at the accom­mo­da­tion avail­able. If more accom­mo­da­tion is avail­able, we will be look­ing at the motel direct­ly across the road from the orig­i­nal motel. If you haven’t already booked and want to go on this week­end away. Please see Janine to book your room.

Our club is host­ing the 43rd FX FJ Vic­to­ri­an State Titles on the week­end of 15 and 16th of Octo­ber at the Atu­ra Dan­de­nong. If you have not already booked your accom­mo­da­tion for this great week­end or sent your entry form in, can you please do this as soon as pos­si­ble. Rooms are fill­ing fast, and it will be a great week­end away with all our Vic­to­ri­an friends from the oth­er clubs.

Don’t for­get the Nation­als are on this year over the Christ­mas / New Years break. In Cooma NSW. Many have already booked their accom­mo­da­tion for the Nation­als but will need to re-enter the Nation­als as all mon­ey was refund­ed to entrants after the 2020 Nat’s were can­celled due to COVID. The nation­als will be a great event, we have some good events and day trips planned.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
