April 2022 – National Steam Trains — Scoresby

Arti­cle by Rod Grummitt

We left Mt Martha app 8am , head off to club rooms & meet up with oth­er Mem­bers, on the way ‚pass­ing venue we found not a lot of action at that time, con­tin­ue on & open up club rooms for any toi­let use, not long after we had 5 oth­ers arrive, 9.30 am leave club rooms, & call Derk who was head­ing to venue, asked if he could arrange to meet at gate & dri­ve in togeth­er , which he did 7 we all fol­lowed as planned , we drove around the sheds to a spot under a tree & beside a small reedy lake, we parked togeth­er as we do & set up tables & chairs for the dura­tion , turned out a great spot where the usu­al chit chat took place, we were sur­round­ed by many cars of dif­fer­ent makes & mod­els to peruse for the next few hours,. With the sheds full of inter­est­ing machin­ery, Trucks, Trac­tors & stuff you would not see to often, the weath­er was per­fect, & the com­pa­ny of club Mem­bers all made it a most enjoy­able day, The entry was zilch, they gave us a raf­fle tick­et & small bot­tle of Sani­tis­er to come through the gates, how good was that, to top it all off, Derk was the only raf­fle win­ner with some gar­den plants, But the EMHC club took out Best Club Dis­play. So that fin­ished off a great day out for all our hap­py club members.

Mem­bers with earlies.

Peter Cor­ri­g­an, Race Car.
Tim Fet­tell. FX Ute.
Wayne & Anna Flem­ing. FJ Sedan.
Rod & Sharon Grum­mitt. FJ ute.
Ian & Jane Maclean. FX Sedan.
Derk Tuik. FJ Ute.

Mem­bers without.

Ralph & Di Edwards.
Michael Hedger .
Geoff Rourke.
Rob & Di Martel­la. EK ute.