Aug — Bunnings


Hi every­one, I am hon­oured to be asked (more like, roped into!), to do a write up on this months’ car

run. I am Jason King’s wife, Janine, and I am pleased to be able to donate some time to this great



To put it blunt­ly – it was bloody freez­ing! All helpers would agree with me, but we rugged up and

stood near to the Bar­bie. But, despite the hor­ri­ble weath­er, there were plen­ty of vis­i­tors to Bunnings

Not­ting Hill that day and a good turn up of mem­bers, part­ners and earlies.

The day start­ed with a tad of anx­i­ety. Jim went to Coles Croy­don at 7am to pick up our order of

snags and bread to find that the Coles com­put­er sys­tem had crashed and he wasn’t able to pay for

the goods. OMG…what was he going to do? Luck­i­ly, quick think­ing Jim approached the Manager,

explained the predica­ment and the love­ly Man­ag­er let Jim take the goods as long as he left his

license and per­son­al details with him and promise to return in the after­noon to pay for the goods.

Good call Jim – you saved the day!


We had a great team ros­tered for 2 hourly shifts, start­ing with an 8am set up con­sist­ing of Jim, Kay,

Rod, Derk, Bruce, Gar­ry Hodge and Chris Shep­ard with the siz­zle start­ing at 9am. I was advised

that it was a bit slow to start with, but after Jason and I arrived for the 10am shift, it real­ly hot­ted up

with a few long lines at times, that we couldn’t keep up. We even ran out of toma­to sauce by then.

Next shift was the mid­day crew ACFA-Cash­flow con­sist­ing of Ray & Val, Ray & Diane, Gary & Les­ley Beard­s­ley and

see­ing it was lunch time, it was our best trad­ing hours of the day. Many cus­tomers bought a snag

on the way in and then anoth­er for the dri­ve home. Even one per­son bought 4 and asked if we had

foil so he could wrap them up to take home to the fam­i­ly (which we did). Talk about EMHC Uber



The 2pm crew arrived and includ­ed Aldo, Andrew and Scott. Jason and I stayed on as it was heaps

of fun chat­ting to every­one. By this time, Jason and Derk jumped on the tools and typ­i­cal­ly got up to

no good – as they do! We still did good sales for that mid arvo snack. Quite a few Bunnings

employ­ees pur­chased from us which was good.


The 4pm shift (pack up crew) arrived ear­ly, Chris and Richard Fox. They jumped in the tent and

became front of house for a while. After he was advised that very few cold drinks were sold, Richard

decid­ed to up-sell each $2.50 snag pur­chase offer­ing a drink for $1.50. We were all laugh­ing at

Richard doing his “Macca’s – want fries with that?” sug­ges­tive sell­ing tech­nique, but the joke was on

us — it worked! I would say he sold the same amount of drinks in that time than we sold all day.

We went over time until we sold the last cooked snag – approx.4.30pm. We raised approx. $1000

for the club. I think that is a great effort con­sid­er­ing the drea­ry weath­er. Many cus­tomers were taken

at how gor­geous the cars were. We had a total of 9 ear­lies turn up and on dis­play. Scotty’s car made

its’ debut on a club run, with its’ stun­ning paint job and inte­ri­or. Even a female Bun­nings staff member

came up to a few mem­bers and enquired how to hire a few cars for her wed­ding in ear­ly 2020.

Addi­tion­al­ly, we had a man named Ash­ley and his part­ner come up and chat­ted about how he

pur­chased an FJ Sedan a few weeks ago. He showed pic­tures of it on his mobile and a few members

recog­nised it as the late Joe Brouns, sedan of the Mel­bourne Chap­ter. Ash­ley is a local and took an

EMHC appli­ca­tion form, so we hope to wel­come him in the near future.


A mas­sive thank you to all who vol­un­teered at Bun­nings on such a lousy, wet day. 26 members

attend­ed some with wives, made the job very easy. Thanks also to Kaye for the yo-yos & slices,

we all helped get them down.


Regards, Janine Hal­lett (King)


Mem­bers with earlies 

Chris Fox

Richard Fox

Rod Grum­mitt

Gar­ry Hodge

Geoff & Lyn Ogden

Andrew Staines

Derk Tuik

Jeff White

Scott Wood­bridge

Mem­bers without

Gary & Les­ley Beardsley

Jim & Kaye Bishop

Harold Bul­man

Ray & Val Daggers

Ray & Diane Eaton

Ray Edsall

Gary Etheredge

Aldo Gianchi­no

Bruce Gra­ham

Jason & Janine King

Chris Shep­herd