October 2018

Hi all,

I am cur­rent­ly writ­ing this on the Radi­ance of the Seas cruise ship, which is part of the Roy­al Caribbean Cruise lin­ers. I am writ­ing this pon­der­ing and look­ing out my win­dow and see noth­ing but the blue North Pacif­ic Ocean, on my return to Syd­ney from Hawaii.

I have been away since just after the last meet­ing and return just after this meet­ing and will be at the com­mit­tee meet­ing next week. So unfor­tu­nate­ly, I have not been on any club runs or activ­i­ties this month.

Read­ing the run report for the Viet­nam Vets Dis­play down in Phillip Island, it looked like a great event, with a good num­ber of cars attend­ing. I would like to thank Aldo on behalf of the com­mit­tee for his hos­pi­tal­i­ty on the day. There are a few pics in the mag­a­zine and the run report by Jim.

I know a few of our mem­bers have tak­en their ear­lies down to Tas­ma­nia this month for what is quick­ly becom­ing a nation­al event big­ger then Bathurst. There might even be a lit­tle write up in future edi­tions of the newslet­ter. Shhhhh.

Bumpers by the Bay was held on the 23rd of Sep­tem­ber, once again an excel­lent event host­ed by the Mel­bourne Chap­ter, Well Done Pap­py and Cam­mo for all the work you do for rais­ing mon­ey for can­cer. I hear Neville Maw­er won a prize – see Jims run report for details.

As you all are aware we have a Nation­als com­ing up in South Aus­tralia in just over 2 months. How­ev­er we also have the state titles this month at Cran­bourne on the 27th and 28th of Octo­ber, with the show and shine being at the Cran­bourne race­course on the 28th. If you have nev­er been to a state titles, I would rec­om­mend attend­ing this event. If you have you know what I am talk­ing about, and a good day is usu­al­ly had by all.

As you will see, you will be in the trust­ed hands of Jim Bish­op tonight chair­ing the meet­ing, thanks Jim.

Stay safe and safe travels.
