Welcome to June folks, that means we are half way there, our last run to Winton Raceway was a winner, a great weekend with lots of laughs, see report in Mag written by Jim and myself, please note that the June garage run has been changed, we will now be heading off with our friends at the Melbourne Chapter, they have invited us to join them see mag for details.
Memberships are now due also payments for Presentation night will be taken or if you prefer part payment, if you have any items for the Auction at presentation night they would be appreciated we have our Voucher for a full rubber kit from Rare’s so be prepared to bid, you may just pick up a bargain.
As has been mentioned before we are getting very close to our AGM where we elect our new committee, have you given it any thought? There is still time to catch a committee meeting and see what happens if you are interested, I myself would like to step down and take a back seat as it is starting to catch up with me, still trying to work out if I am coming or going some days, which does not help at all with my bad memory.
Till next time fellow Early owners.