June 2018


Wel­come to June folks, that means we are half way there, our last run to Win­ton Race­way was a win­ner, a great week­end with lots of laughs, see report in Mag writ­ten by Jim and myself, please note that the June garage run has been changed, we will now be head­ing off with our friends at the Mel­bourne Chap­ter, they have invit­ed us to join them see mag for details.

Mem­ber­ships are now due also pay­ments for Pre­sen­ta­tion night will be tak­en or if you pre­fer part pay­ment, if you have any items for the Auc­tion at pre­sen­ta­tion night they would be appre­ci­at­ed we have our Vouch­er for a full rub­ber kit from Rare’s so be pre­pared to bid, you may just pick up a bargain.

As has been men­tioned before we are get­ting very close to our AGM where we elect our new com­mit­tee, have you giv­en it any thought? There is still time to catch a com­mit­tee meet­ing and see what hap­pens if you are inter­est­ed, I myself would like to step down and take a back seat as it is start­ing to catch up with me, still try­ing to work out if I am com­ing or going some days, which does not help at all with my bad memory.

Till next time fel­low Ear­ly owners.
