Well, what a turnout to Richards fac­to­ry run. It seemed like near­ly every man and his dog was at the run this month. This was a very good run by all those attend­ed. I left home to nice sun­shine went via the club rooms to give Jim a hand to get the trail­er out of the garage.

On arrival in Bayswa­ter, the weath­er was crap with rain and more rain, I hap­pened to catchup to Big Trev just as I got to Bayswa­ter and beat him to the fac­to­ry as he over­shot a turn.

On arrival at the fac­to­ry, Tim’s race car was up on the hoist and had many peo­ple under it, look­ing how dif­fer­ent bits and pieces that have gone into this race car build. Dur­ing the day a num­ber of peo­ple took it in turns to put their cars on the hoist, so oth­ers could have a look. There are real­ly some impres­sive builds in the club.

Gary His­lop learnt that leav­ing the Hold­en deal­er in Essendon on the day ear­li­er that he had an exhaust gas­ket leak with his motor. A trip around the Bayswa­ter area that even­tu­al­ly led him to Rep­co in Lily­dale to get the part. So, as lunch was being served Gary drove his van into the fac­to­ry and start­ed pulling the motor down so he could change the exhaust gas­ket. What prob­a­bly would have been a 30-minute job turned out to be longer with all the eyes watch­ing him. I do see though one advan­tage of a tilt front, makes this job a lot easier.

After lunch peo­ple start­ed leav­ing. When I left Gary was still work­ing on his van, I did hear though he got the car back on the road and Judy and Gary made it home to Traralgon.

I would like to thank all that attend­ed and thanks to Richard Fox for his hos­pi­tal­i­ty on what was a great club run.

Mem­bers with ear­lies.
Jim Bish­op.
Peter Char­man.
Peter Cor­ri­g­an.
Ray & Val Dag­gers.
Trevor Dempsey.
Daryl Dunn.
Ralph Edwards.
Chris Fox.
Richard Fox.
Gary His­lop
Gar­ry Hodge.
Jason King.
Rus­sell King.
Bren­ton Schi­er
Tim Sells & Luke.
Chris Shep­herd.
Andrew Staines with our old mate Jim­my Dyer.
Derk Tuik.
Jeff White.

Mem­bers with­out.
Kevin Baird & Steven Baird.
Gary & Les­ley Beard­s­ley.
Gary Etheridge.
Alan Del­zop­po.
Michael Del­zop­po.
Wayne Flem­ing.
Aldo Gianchi­no.
Ian Glen­nie.
Rod Grum­mitt.
Ter­ry Hunt.
Alan New­some.
Ross & Chris­tine Williams.