November 2021 – Kyneton

Arti­cle by Kim Radenic

It’s a beau­ti­ful Sun­day morn­ing 5 of us depart­ed from club rooms at 09.30 for Calder BP. On arrival we were greet­ed with a sea of cars and motor­bikes, morn­ing tea and greet­ing to our club members.

We depart­ed at approx­i­mate­ly 11.00am for a nice cruise to Kyne­ton. On arrival we found the entrance to the gar­dens, we were lucky to park on the side of the road in one line. We had a crowd of peo­ple admir­ing our cars. Last week an arti­cle appeared in the local paper say­ing the EMHC was com­ing for a bbq lunch and every­one was wel­come to look at the cars. Jason had also post­ed on Face­book that we were here.

Bruce Gra­han had his cream sedan out with the new wheels, Richard Fox had his
con­vert­ible out for its first run. We had a vis­i­tor Joanne Kear­ney from the Mel­bourne chap­ter in her pan­el van.

A big thanks to the guys doing the BBQ great job. We all had a most enjoy­able day, was good to see so many faces after our long lock­down. A total of 21 ear­lies, a Monaro, a ear­ly Ford Ute, Peter Cor­ri­g­ans ranger tow­ing the club BBQ. a big thanks to Gary His­lop for doing a major ser­vice to the trail­er, it should now last anoth­er 20 years.

We start­ed to depart around the 2.30pm. Thanks to all that came. It was com­ment­ed a lot that we should do this more often. Plans are in progress.

Mem­bers with earlies.

Gar­ry Allen,
Peter and Cyn­thia Char­man,
Ray and Val Dag­gers,
Steven and Paula Davies,
Ray and Judy Edsall,
Tim and Nic­ki Fet­tell,
Richard Fox,
Aldo Gianchi­no,
Bruce and Lil­lian Gra­ham,
Rod and Sharon Grum­mitt,
Gary and Judy His­lop,
Doug and Jean Hed­ding­ton,
Gar­ry Hodge,
Ray­mond and Janet Howlett,
Jason and Janine King,
Rus­sell King,
Rick Kings­ley.
Ian and Jane Maclean,
Kim Radenic.
Bren­ton S

Mem­bers without.

Gary and Les­ley Beard­s­ley
Peter Cor­ri­g­an
Pres­ley Eas­dale
Wayne Flem­ing