This month’s report is brief overview of the State Titles held by our club.
There is a run report which will detail the event in greater detail, however for my part I would like to thank all the members of the State Titles Committee for the tremendous team effort which enabled the event to run so smoothly.
I would also like to thank all the Sponsors who assisted us with the running of the event and their generous financial support.
Congratulations to all the winners and a special thanks to all those entries who participated, for it is all of you who make these events so memorable and unite the Early Model Holden movement.
A special thanks to Richard and Gary, for their planning of the event and also to Rod for his tireless work on Sunday.
Also may thank all the Wives, Girlfriends, Partners and Ladies in General for their attendance. ( it was pleasing to see that group having such a good time at the wine tasting ).
November run coming is to Coal Creek, just a short drive before our Xmas Breakup in December. See The Run Calendar in the Mag.
Nationals in December.
Australia Day January.
First General Meeting back in February their will be a free BBQ starting at approx. 6.15 pm prior to the meeting. See you there.
Bruce Graham
EMHC President