Garage Crawl — 14th April 2019.

Arti­cle by Jim Bish­op This run turned out to be a very pleas­ant day. It start­ed with most of those who came meet­ing at the clu­b­rooms and head­ing to Andrew and Fe’s home in Cold­stream, to explore Andrews col­lec­tion of cars and parts etc, oth­ers includ­ing myself turned up sep­a­rate­ly. ‘Goofy’ was on dis­play for all to see along…

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Arti­cle by Jim Bish­op I arrived at the hall at 3.45 to find Bruce and Lil­lian Gra­ham had been there for a long while clear­ing and clean­ing, Lil­lian had scrubbed our new kitchen while Bruce was clean­ing the floors and sort­ing out fur­ni­ture etc. I will take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to say a big thank you to you both. With the…

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April 2019

Hi all, After one of Vic­to­ri­a’s hottest sum­mers, I write this pres­i­dents report, on the evening of our com­bined garage sale with the Monash Mens shed, where the weath­er strug­gled to move into dou­ble dig­its and it rained most of the day. At the garage sale with the Mens shed it was a great suc­cess, apart from the weath­er, we…

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