June 2021 – President’s Run — Sale

Arti­cle by Jason King What a great week­end away we had to East Gipp­s­land even­tu­al­ly end­ing up in Sale. The Wednes­day before the week­end it was declared that the COVID restric­tions that were in place for met­ro­pol­i­tan Mel­bourne were lift­ed and it allowed us to trav­el out into the regions. All mem­bers that were going on the run received a…

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May 2021 – Healsville.

Arti­cle by Jim Bish­op This run start­ed with a ques­tion mark due to pre­dict­ed wet and windy weath­er fore­cast­ed for Sun­day. A Sat­ur­day morn­ing event when the High­way was blocked with fall­en trees at Fer­n­dale at the base of the Black Spur, led me to have a talk with Michael and Kim (who also ques­tioned the run to Marysville)…

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June 2021

Hi all, Wel­come to the June newslet­ter. I was only say­ing last month things are start­ing to get back to nor­mal and before we know it, we are back in a lock­down here in Mel­bourne and Vic­to­ria. As a result, this has thrown some of the club plans astray a lit­tle. This month’s meet­ing will be held a week…

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