September 2018

Hi all,

First­ly thank you for the trust you have put in me to be the club Pres­i­dent for the next 12 months. The first per­son I would like to thank as the new Pres­i­dent is our past present Derk Tuik. Derk’s work over the last 2 years has been noth­ing but hard work and amaze­ment. In Derk’s 2 years as club Pres­i­dent, our club has host­ed anoth­er fan­tas­tic Nation­als in 2016 in Mans­field and has gone from strength to strength.

I would also like to thank the com­mit­tee office bear­ers for the next 12 months for sign­ing on again, it is basi­cal­ly the same peo­ple up front besides myself. I would also like to thank the club com­mit­tee and includ­ing all new com­mit­tee mem­bers that we have this year. It is a good way to see how the run­nings of our club are actu­al­ly done.

I think it is impor­tant for those that do not know me, to write a lit­tle bio so you can have an under­stand­ing of my love for the hump­ies and my involve­ment in the move­ment. I own the web­site and have been run­ning that fan­tas­tic resource for FX and FJ Hold­en’s since 2004.

I was employed in the Com­mon­wealth Gov­ern­ment for over 10 years and with that I have been post­ed all over Aus­tralia. As such I have been a mem­ber of many FX FJ Clubs, includ­ing the North­side FX FJ Club in Bris­bane, 48&FJ Own­ers Club of South Aus­tralia and the Can­ber­ra FX FJ Club, where I was the club Pres­i­dent at one time. So the nation­als for me are a real good chance to catchup with many of my friends from the clubs I have been a mem­ber of.

I first went to a Nation­als back in 1992, and I think from mem­o­ry it was held in Bac­chus Marsh. I own 4 FJ’s a FJ stan­dard sedan (stock­ie) I have owned since I was 17, which I bought back in 1987, a mod­i­fied v6 FJ ute, which will hope­ful­ly be ready for the nation­als, a FJ mod­i­fied v6 van that I am build­ing which hope­ful­ly be fin­ished before the Cooma Nation­als in 2020 and a stock win­dow­less FJ Van, I have stored away in readi­ness for a full rebuild.

I mar­ried my part­ner Janine in June in Bali and as a result, next week I am off to Hawaii for my hon­ey­moon. So unfor­tu­nate­ly for club mat­ters, I will not be attend­ing the Viet­nam Vet­er­ans dis­play at Phillip Island on Sep­tem­ber 16 and the Bumpers By The Bay, host­ed by the Mel­bourne Chap­ter on Sep­tem­ber 23. I have been to the last few Bumpers by the Bay and it is an excel­lent day out with excel­lent hosts and a range of excel­lent vehi­cles on show. As I will be on a cruise from Hawaii to Syd­ney from 17 Sep­tem­ber and return to Syd­ney on 6 Octo­ber, I will miss the club meet­ing on the 3rd of Octo­ber, but I assure you the club will be in good hands with Jim Bish­op run­ning the meeting.

Once again thank you for this opportunity.

Safe trav­els.
