February 2019

Hi all,
I, hope every­one has had a great break and feel relaxed in the new year.

I like many of our oth­er club mem­bers, went to the AEHF Nation­als in Mur­ray Bridge and it was a great event. I man­aged to get my ute engi­neered and on club per­mit just before Christ­mas and drove it over, with not a has­sle in the world. Janine and I left on Box­ing Day and by the time we got to Dim­boola by 1pm it had already reached 43 degrees, so the ute ran very well in the heat. In Dim­boola we were met by Gary and Judy His­lop at the Motel. The next day we left nice and ear­ly and arrived in Mur­ray Bridge around 10am.

On the spare night of the nation­als our club host­ed a BBQ at our motel, Most of our club, the host clubs and some Mel­bourne Chap­ter mem­bers we’re all stay­ing at our motel. Well Janine put the word out and we had at least 85 of our friends join us, all for a cost of $10 a head to cov­er costs. I can not thank the staff at the Ade­laide Road Motor Lodge for their hos­pi­tal­i­ty all through the nation­als but more impor­tant­ly the night we held the BBQ. On the night we had 2 birth­day boys, with both Michael Del­zop­po and Gary His­lop both cel­e­brat­ing their birth­day, so we sang hap­py birth­day and sup­plied a cake to both.

After the nation­als, Janine and I trav­elled home via Echu­ca with the Can­ber­ra con­tin­gent. Was a nice lit­tle hol­i­day away from the nation­als spend­ing a night in Echu­ca. Of course we attend­ed the Hold­en Muse­um and had a great time. The 2020 Nats were dis­cussed between us over a meal and a beer as the Can­ber­ra club is host­ing it, so all I can say is bring on Cooma in 2020.

One final note on the nats (Rod and Richards reports are in the newslet­ter), I want to thank all those that cooked etc on the night of the BBQ, and make a spe­cial thanks to Janine, Lin­da, Jane Fox, and all the ladies that helped out.

We have a busy few months com­ing our way, which is typ­i­cal for this time of year. The Aus­tralia Day run was a great day out with plen­ty of club cars on dis­play and with a nice get togeth­er at Car­dinia Reser­voir Park in Narre War­ren. Be sure to read Jim’s run report of the day..

We have a few runs com­ing up, with the run on Feb­ru­ary 17 in con­junc­tion with the Bay Rod­ders at the Blue Hills Rise Retire­ment Vil­lage locat­ed at 240 Berwick Cran­bourne Rd. Cran­bourne, next door to Casey fields. There will be signs direct­ing cars on Cran­bourne / Berwick Road. — BBQ is sup­plied by the venue and drinks at bar prices or BYO

We have anoth­er Bun­nings sausage siz­zle booked for Sat­ur­day 2nd March at Bun­nings Not­ting Hill. We will need to get num­bers and ros­ter start­ed tonight at the meet­ing or dur­ing the month, as this Bun­nings fundrais­er will be the Sat­ur­day before the next meet­ing, so it will be too late to put it in the next newsletter.

I am cur­rent­ly organ­is­ing a Pres­i­dents Run so watch this space.

Until next month, stay safe and safe travels.
