Aug — Interclub

TRIVIA RUN REPORT 12th August 2018

We set off for the Broad­mead­ows Sport­ing Club for the Triv­ia day for the inter-club challenge

against the Mel­bourne Chap­ter. When we arrived we found Lil­lian and Bruce and Sue and Trevor

already in atten­dance. We wait­ed and no oth­er mem­bers arrived. Mel­bourne Chap­ter had a larger

num­ber so it was decid­ed that some of their mem­ber would play for EMHC to even things up a bit.

There were sev­er­al hot­ly con­tend­ed rounds and quite a few very fun­ny answers.

At the end of the first round we had a deli­cious bar­beque lunch fol­lowed by desserts.

At the end of the day the scores were


Mel­bourne Chap­ter 56.5

We were told that Derk’s car had bro­ken down on the way and he was wait­ing for a tow truck.

Bruce pre­sent­ed the tro­phy and the peo­ple start­ed to depart for home. A very good day. Many

thanks to our hosts for the day.

Diane Eaton

Mem­bers with earlies 

Sue & Trevor Dempsey

Diane & Ray Eaton

Mem­bers without

Lil­lian & Bruce Graham.