August 2021

Hi all,

Wel­come to the August newsletter.

This month we start with the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing, which due to COVID-19 restric­tions we are hav­ing it host­ed in per­son and online via zoom. I would like to thank all the com­mit­tee for their hard work over the last 2 years, in such a chal­leng­ing time try­ing to get some sort of nor­mal­i­ty with­in the club, even though we are also host­ing a state titles dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. I want to make a spe­cial men­tion to Bren­ton Schi­er for all the work he has done over the last 12 months or so pre­sent­ing at the club meet­ings a run-down of the club his­to­ry. Thanky­ou Brenton.

If you are read­ing this before the meet­ing it’s not too late, to put your hand up for a com­mit­tee posi­tion, remem­ber this is your club and we are always encour­ag­ing new­er mem­bers to join the com­mit­tee and so on.

With the COVID lock­down we have expe­ri­enced in July, that has thrown our Pre­sen­ta­tion night plans out the win­dow. Thanks to Jim Bish­op our pre­sen­ta­tion lunch will now be held on Sun­day 15th of August at 12.30pm at the Knox Club in Wan­tir­na South.

We have a very busy cou­ple of months ahead and hope­ful­ly we can have these events go ahead with­out any restric­tions, this includes on the Sat­ur­day 4th of Sep­tem­ber our clubs 50th Birth­day Cel­e­bra­tions at The Mul­grave Coun­try Club — start­ing at 6.00pm. Then the fol­low­ing week­end on Sun­day 12th of Sep­tem­ber, we are hav­ing our Inter­club Chal­lenge with the Mel­bourne chap­ter. This will be a trea­sure hunt at Hang­ing Rock fol­lowed by BBQ Lunch. (ok insert sledge here) — We will be leav­ing the Club Rooms at 9.00 am and meet­ing at BP Calder Park at 10.00am for a 10.30am departure.

Then after the inter­club chal­lenge which we will know doubt win, we have a short break of a few weeks where we will be then host­ing the 43rd FX FJ State Titles on the week­end of the 16th and 17th of Octo­ber at the Her­itage Golf & Coun­try Club / Yarra Val­ley Lodge, which will be an excel­lent weekend.

As it is now August, just a friend­ly reminder for those yet to pay their mem­ber­ship fees that the mem­ber­ship fees are now due. The club bank­ing details are on the front page of the newslet­ter and a direct deposit is the eas­i­est way to pay at the moment due to chang­ing times

Any­way, that’s it for me for the month.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
