Lawn Bowls — Feb 2019.

Lazy Hazy Days of Sum­mer of cake & beer & wine. The first job of the day was to put out the direc­tion­al signs which I hope every­body found ok. A good show of cars – 10 in all for the locals to look at. One very nice res­i­dent came along with a large pho­to­graph of his FJ rac­ing car back…

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Bunnings 2nd March 2019.

With the third day of heat of over 35 degrees and today the 2nd of March reach­ing 38 degrees we manned the sausage siz­zle at Bun­nings in Not­ting Hill. As usu­al the club was well rep­re­sent­ed, and made it a lot eas­i­er for many of us to share the cook­ing duties. There was a great turn out of cus­tomers to…

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Arti­cle by Jim Bish­op I arrived at the hall at 3.45 to find Bruce and Lil­lian Gra­ham had been there for a long while clear­ing and clean­ing, Lil­lian had scrubbed our new kitchen while Bruce was clean­ing the floors and sort­ing out fur­ni­ture etc. I will take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to say a big thank you to you both. With the…

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Garage Crawl — 14th April 2019.

Arti­cle by Jim Bish­op This run turned out to be a very pleas­ant day. It start­ed with most of those who came meet­ing at the clu­b­rooms and head­ing to Andrew and Fe’s home in Cold­stream, to explore Andrews col­lec­tion of cars and parts etc, oth­ers includ­ing myself turned up sep­a­rate­ly. ‘Goofy’ was on dis­play for all to see along…

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Bumpers by the Bay – Sunday 5th May 2019.

Arti­cle by Ian Maclean Once again it was an ear­ly morn­ing start (even ear­li­er for those that had to trav­el up from Gipp­s­land) for this months club run. Four ear­ly Hold­ens and one late mod­el set off from the clu­b­room carpark just after 8am with Derk lead­ing the way to the free­way, through the tun­nel and over the Westgate,…

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Winton 2019

Arti­cle by Scott Wood­bridge Hel­lo all, I hope all is well.! I have been cho­sen to do my first run report for the 43rd Win­ton His­toric’s Event so here goes. Up at 3am bleary eyed and out the door by 3:20 to head to Neville Maw­ers place in Altona from Dan­de­nong arriv­ing at 4am. Nev is wait­ing in his FX with…

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Writ­ten by JANINE KING (First Lady) This month, for some­thing dif­fer­ent, we hit the north­ern sub­urbs where our Pres­i­dent resides.  Jason and I chose a great lit­tle inter­est­ing and unknown muse­um who dis­plays all Melbourne’s old air­port con­trol tow­er equip­ment.  This includes air traf­fic radios, run­way bea­cons, air­craft pas­sen­ger seat­ing, pilot and air host­ess uni­forms and a mas­sive amount…

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BAREFOOT BOWLING — 16 February 2020.

Arti­cle by Peter Char­man The day didn’t start out too promis­ing, very cloudy and not too con­ducive to out­door bowl­ing, but as the day pro­gressed the sun came out and much work to be done organ­is­ing play­ers of two from our club and two from Blue Hills Rise. A club meet­ing going on in the back­ground whilst oth­ers rearranged the…

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