July 2018

Wel­come to July the month of our Pre­sen­ta­tion night, this will be your last oppor­tu­ni­ty to either pay in full or pay a deposit, so please let the com­mit­tee know either way and as always for those not at the meet­ings we will take pay­ment on the night but please make us aware of your inter­est to attend as…

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August 2018

Hel­lo all and wel­come to August this month we have our Bun­nings sausage siz­zle and our inter club, also we have our AGM where all posi­tion will be vacat­ed and up for grabs so if your think­ing about it now is your chance, and remem­ber it is your club so if you want to make a dif­fer­ence now is…

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September 2018

Hi all, First­ly thank you for the trust you have put in me to be the club Pres­i­dent for the next 12 months. The first per­son I would like to thank as the new Pres­i­dent is our past present Derk Tuik. Derk’s work over the last 2 years has been noth­ing but hard work and amaze­ment. In Derk’s 2…

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October 2018

Hi all, I am cur­rent­ly writ­ing this on the Radi­ance of the Seas cruise ship, which is part of the Roy­al Caribbean Cruise lin­ers. I am writ­ing this pon­der­ing and look­ing out my win­dow and see noth­ing but the blue North Pacif­ic Ocean, on my return to Syd­ney from Hawaii. I have been away since just after the last…

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November 2018

Hi all, It’s good to be back after feel­ing refreshed from the cruise of the North and South Pacif­ic Ocean. I thank Jim Bish­op for chair­ing the Octo­ber meet­ing in my absence. It is a real excit­ing time of year in the FX FJ world. We have just had a won­der­ful State Titles in Cran­bourne, our club again took…

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February 2019

Hi all, I, hope every­one has had a great break and feel relaxed in the new year. I like many of our oth­er club mem­bers, went to the AEHF Nation­als in Mur­ray Bridge and it was a great event. I man­aged to get my ute engi­neered and on club per­mit just before Christ­mas and drove it over, with not a…

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March 2019

Hi all, We are already into the third month of the year, so this year is real­ly start­ing to fly. The cold­er months will be here before we know it. Unfor­tu­nate­ly I could not get to the last club run on the 17th of Feb­ru­ary, as I was in hos­pi­tal for a med­ical pro­ce­dure. But I sur­vived that and…

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April 2019

Hi all, After one of Vic­to­ri­a’s hottest sum­mers, I write this pres­i­dents report, on the evening of our com­bined garage sale with the Monash Mens shed, where the weath­er strug­gled to move into dou­ble dig­its and it rained most of the day. At the garage sale with the Mens shed it was a great suc­cess, apart from the weath­er, we…

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May 2019

Hi all, It has been a busy month in April and it looks like May will be no dif­fer­ent. Our club run to Andrew’s and then onto Aldo’s place was a huge suc­cess. I would like to thank both Andrew and Aldo for their hos­pi­tal­i­ty in allow­ing us, their fel­low mem­bers, to see there builds. On Good Fri­day, Janine…

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June 2019

Hi all, What a busy month May has been for the club. We had 2 club runs this month. The first run was to the annu­al Bumpers by the Bay on Sun­day the 5th of May in Williamstown host­ed by the Mel­bourne chap­ter. As always it was a great event and thor­ough­ly enjoyed by all those who attend­ed. The…

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