December 2018

Hi all,

Well, the end of the year is now in sight. I am now writ­ing this just after our Christ­mas par­ty. You will see in this newslet­ter, Jim Bish­ops Christ­mas report. It was an enjoy­able day and for­tu­nate­ly the weath­er held out.

We had a fan­tas­tic turn out to the Mel­bourne Steam Trac­tion Engine Club in Scores­by this month. I think the suc­cess of the run had to do with the many dif­fer­ent things to do on the run and there was so much to see.

Decem­ber 2018 means its Nation­als month and the time has come round to dust off the ear­lies and pre­pare them for the run west to South Aus­tralia. For those who don’t know, it will be held in Mur­ray Bridge, SA and there are fur­ther details in this newsletter.

Remem­ber there is no meet­ing in Jan­u­ary, but we are going to hold a mys­tery run on Aus­tralia Day the 26th of Jan­u­ary. We are leav­ing the club rooms at 10.00 am in what will be an awe­some day.

At the Decem­ber meet­ing we will be auc­tion­ing an excel­lent item, kind­ly donat­ed by Frankie J Hold­en and Michelle and his staff at the Tathra Beach­side Hol­i­day Park. This item is for a 2 night stay in a Vin­tage Car­a­van. For those who have not been to this beau­ti­ful part of South­ern NSW, it is def­i­nite­ly worth the trip. I can not thank Frankie and Michelle enough for this gen­er­ous donation.

I would like to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to wish all mem­bers and their fam­i­lies a safe and hap­py Christ­mas and a won­der­ful new year. For those that are attend­ing the Nation­als, I will see you there in Mur­ray Bridge. For all those that are either dri­ving to the Nation­als or just dri­ving dur­ing this fes­tive sea­son, please stay safe out there on the roads.
