December 2019

Hi all,

Well it has been a busy year for the club. It feels like this year has just flown. We had 2 club runs in the month of Novem­ber, with a short run to Essendon Hold­en where we had only a hand­ful of cars, Neville, Rus­sell and Gary His­lop all won an award on the day, there was no raf­fle for Gary His­lop to win, but sources did tell me that he won the raf­fle at the Trar­al­gon RSL the night before.

The next day was the club run to Richard’s fac­to­ry in Bayswa­ter. It was a great turn out of FX and FJ’s and a thor­ough­ly enjoyed day by all those who attend­ed. A num­ber of mem­bers cars were put up on the hoist and oth­er mem­bers looked all over the cars as expect­ed. We real­ly do have a great assort­ment of cars in our club.

This month we have 2 func­tions, with the first one on this Sun­day at the club rooms with the annu­al Christ­mas par­ty start­ing at 11am. It is BYO drinks and the club will be sup­ply­ing the meat for the BBQ, there will be club drinks on sale. This is tra­di­tion­al­ly a good day and one where we can just sit back, relax and enjoy the com­pa­ny of our members.

The fol­low­ing Sat­ur­day the 14th of Decem­ber we are host­ing the Bun­nings sausage siz­zle at a dif­fer­ent loca­tion than nor­mal, this time at a big­ger Bun­nings in Ver­mont South. This Bun­nings is locat­ed at 606–634 Bur­wood Hwy, Ver­mont South. If you are avail­able and haven’t already advised the com­mit­tee of your atten­dance, please let one of the com­mit­tee mem­bers know at tonight’s meeting.

After a suc­cess­ful Aus­tralia Day run this year, we are host­ing an Aus­tralia Day run again next year. This will be to the same loca­tion as this year to Car­dinia Reser­voir. We will be leav­ing the club rooms at 10.30am. There are more details in the newsletter.

I would like to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to wish all mem­bers and their fam­i­lies a safe and hap­py Christ­mas and a won­der­ful new year. For those that are dri­ving dur­ing this fes­tive sea­son, please stay safe out there on the roads.
