February 2022

Hi all,

Wel­come to the Feb­ru­ary newslet­ter and the first for 2022.

Like oth­er years, I have start­ed the year off, with hav­ing a BBQ before the start of our Feb­ru­ary meet­ing start­ing at 6.30pm. I hope as many can attend the BBQ before the meet­ing and catch up with oth­er mem­bers, whom some we haven’t spo­ken to in 2 years since the pan­dem­ic began.

2022 looks to be a big year, with our club host­ing the State Titles in Octo­ber and the Nation­als com­plet­ing the year off in Cooma just after Christ­mas. If you haven’t already entered for both events, please do as soon as pos­si­ble not to miss out on the good­ie bag etc.

This month’s run is to Terang with a night’s accom­mo­da­tion in Terang, vis­it­ing the old Hold­en deal­er and hav­ing pho­tos tak­en at that loca­tion. This is a run organ­ised by the Mel­bourne Chap­ter and details were emailed to mem­bers dur­ing the Christ­mas break. I did men­tion in my Decem­ber report, that once I knew the fin­er details about the run, I would email mem­bers. I am unsure if there are any rooms avail­able if any mem­ber still wish­es to attend, but please see me at the meet­ing for fur­ther details.

Just a few days ago we had our Aus­tralia Day run. At the eleventh hour the orig­i­nal des­ti­na­tion of High­ton was changed and can­celled. I then with Janine made an alter­na­tive loca­tion for the run to Queens Park in Moonee Ponds and then lunch back at Janine and my place. For all those attend­ed had a good day con­sid­er­ing how warm it was. I apol­o­gise to those mem­bers that were incon­ve­nienced by the can­cel­la­tion to Highton.

It is antic­i­pat­ed at this stage that the run for March will be to the Kil­more Gaol. I have heard from oth­ers that this is a great spot for a run. It is antic­i­pat­ed that we will have lunch in a pub near­by after a vis­it to the Gaol. But more infor­ma­tion will be avail­able in the March newsletter.

As you can see by the newslet­ter cov­er, we have gone back to our more tra­di­tion­al cov­er. This is the cov­er that many of us remem­ber. Now that the 50th anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tions have con­clud­ed we are going back to a more tra­di­tion­al and non-cel­e­bra­to­ry cov­er. Just on the 50th mer­chan­dise, we still have some cof­fee cups and bot­tles of wine for sale. If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing these please see Rod or Bruce.

It’s good to be back let’s hope 2022 is bet­ter than 2020 and 2021.


If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
