February 2023

Wel­come back to all our mem­bers for 2023.

I hope every­one had a great Xmas and that the New Year so far has been kind to you.

With a new year comes a chance for us all to reset and set some new goals.

The FX/FJ Nation­als that were held in Cooma, held over the December/January peri­od was a club run and to all those who attend­ed I per­son­al­ly would like to pass on my con­grat­u­la­tions to you all. And to all those drove there ear­lies up in the heat of the day on roads that at times were very try­ing with many pot holes a spe­cial com­men­da­tion to you.

There is run reports in the mag­a­zine so please read them for more details.

The next Nation­als will be held in Bris­bane and once all the details are pro­vid­ed to us we will post it in the Newsletter.

We have had our first run for 2023 which was our Aus­tralia Day run which was to Kalo­rama Reserve.

The Aus­tralia Day run left the club rooms 10.15am with Gary Hodge lead­ing the way it was a leisure­ly run with not much traf­fic to Kalo­rama Reserve.

When we arrived, Sharon was stand­ing at the entrance to guide us to the right area to where we found every­one else.

Parked the cars and joined the oth­ers with our Table and Chairs. And to wel­come us Aldo com­menced his Smok­ing Cer­e­mo­ny and almost set him­self alight.

A spe­cial thanks to the Del­zop­po Fam­i­ly for secur­ing our spot at the park and pro­vid­ing a great envi­ron­ment with flags, table­cloths etc,

It was good to get togeth­er, have chat and catch up on some of the news. Good Venue which could use again next year.

Mem­bers with Earlies Mem­bers Without
Gary & Judy Hislop Alan, Jan, Brett Delzoppo
Rohan John­stone Bren­ton & Lyn Schier
Ray & Val Daggers Roger & Lin­da Makin
Wayne & Anna Fleming
Gar­ry Hodge
Aldo Gianchi­no
Derk Tuik
Steve & Paula Davies
Rod & Sharon Grummitt
Michael Del­zop­po
Bruce & Lil­lian Graham

Bruce Gra­ham
