July 2021

Hi all,

Wel­come to the July newsletter.

What an up and down month we have had for June. We start­ed the month in lock­down and held our first offi­cial club meet­ing via zoom. I think it went quite well. June also saw the Pres­i­dents run to Sale. There were 41 peo­ple on the run, 16 cars and 21 rooms booked. I would like to thank Janine for all the work she did in set­ting this run up. I would also like to thank Gary and Judy His­lop for open­ing up their busi­ness premis­es on the Sat­ur­day on the way up to Sale. By all accounts all mem­bers that attend­ed the run had a great time. My run report (long report) is in this newsletter.

June did start of as a sad month as news came to the club that a for­mer and well-liked club mem­ber Jim­my Dyer passed away on the 8th of June. To quote his son Calum “He loved tin­ker­ing with his Hold­ens, Mor­ris and Fords and enjoyed going on many club runs.” Some mem­bers of the club attend­ed Jimmy’s funer­al and by all accounts was a great send off.

Now mov­ing for­ward to July. July marks our Pre­sen­ta­tion night to be held at the Knox Club in Wan­tir­na South on Sat­ur­day the 17th of July start­ing at 7.00pm The cost is a very rea­son­able $35.00 per head. If you have not informed Jim that you are attend­ing, please inform him tonight at the meet­ing. This will be a big­ger pre­sen­ta­tion night than nor­mal as it is for the last 2 years as we nev­er had a pre­sen­ta­tion night in 2020 due to COVID19.

The month of July means the start of the new finan­cial year and means that it is mem­ber­ship fees renew­al time. The club bank­ing details are on the front page of the newslet­ter and a direct deposit is the eas­i­est way to pay at the moment due to chang­ing times. How­ev­er, you can still pay in per­son at the club meet­ing tonight.

August will mark the month that we have the AGM. If you are con­sid­er­ing a posi­tion on the com­mit­tee and are unsure what is involved, please feel free to touch base with me or any mem­ber of the com­mit­tee and we will give you a run-down of what is involved.

We have a busy time ahead (all going well) with the 50th Anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tions being held on the 4th of Sep­tem­ber at the Mul­grave Coun­try Club and as the host club of the 43rd FX FJ State Titles to be held on the week­end of the 16th and 17th of Octo­ber at the Her­itage Golf & Coun­try Club / Yarra Val­ley Lodge, which will be an excel­lent week­end. So, there is plen­ty to do in the next few months.

Any­way, that’s it for me for the month.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
