July 2022

Hi all,

Wel­come to the July newsletter.

What a great run we have just had to Mary­bor­ough. I have writ­ten a run report which is includ­ed in this newslet­ter. It was a large turnout of mem­bers and cars, which goes to show that mem­bers enjoy a week­end away at least once a year as a club run.

It is with a heavy heart that I inform mem­bers if they don’t already know that club mem­ber and all-round good bloke Antho­ny Mirabito passed away on Tues­day 14th June 2022. Anthony’s funer­al was held last week on the 30th of June and a great many mem­bers of the club turned up for his funer­al. Our hearts go out to Stephanie his daugh­ter and the rest of his family.

Well, its back. The Rare Spares rub­ber kit will be auc­tioned at this month’s pre­sen­ta­tion night to be held at the Knox Club on Sat­ur­day the 16th of July start­ing at 6.30pm. Now that we have card facil­i­ties there is no excuse, you can use your plas­tic to buy the rub­ber kit.

As this month it is our pre­sen­ta­tion night there is no club run as the pre­sen­ta­tion night replaces the club run for the month. The next run in August will be to the club rooms in prepa­ra­tion for State Titles and check­ing of mem­bers cars in readi­ness for the state titles.

As I men­tioned at the last meet­ing, this is my last year as Pres­i­dent as I will not be renom­i­nat­ing at the August AGM, as I have accept­ed a job out­side Mel­bourne. I think I leave as Club Pres­i­dent the club in good hands. There are many capa­ble peo­ple who can per­form this role and I know the club will give their sup­port to the new com­mit­tee and Pres­i­dent after the AGM in August. If you are con­sid­er­ing a posi­tion on the com­mit­tee and are unsure what is involved, please feel free to touch base with me or any mem­ber of the com­mit­tee and we will give you a run-down of what is involved.

I will not be at the meet­ing tonight or the August meet­ing and I thank Bruce for chair­ing the meet­ing in my absence. I will be at the Pre­sen­ta­tion night how­ev­er on the 16th and am look­ing for­ward to catch­ing up with every­body then.

The month of July means the start of the new finan­cial year and means that it is mem­ber­ship fees renew­al time. The club bank­ing details are on the front page of the newslet­ter. We also have card facil­i­ties at the club meet­ings, and you can still pay in per­son at the club meet­ing tonight.

Any­way, that’s it for me for the month.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
