June 2019

Hi all,

What a busy month May has been for the club. We had 2 club runs this month. The first run was to the annu­al Bumpers by the Bay on Sun­day the 5th of May in Williamstown host­ed by the Mel­bourne chap­ter. As always it was a great event and thor­ough­ly enjoyed by all those who attended.

The sec­ond run saw a few club mem­bers attend the 43rd His­toric Win­ton on the week­end of the 18th and 19th of May. By all accounts those who attend­ed had an excel­lent time.

I am also aware that some mem­bers attend­ed the MotorEx show at the show­grounds in May, so all and all our club cars have def­i­nite­ly been out and about in the month of May.

Look­ing for­ward to the future we have the Pres­i­dents run on Sun­day 16th of June at the Air­ways Muse­um locat­ed at Essendon Air­port. We envis­age leav­ing the club rooms at 10.00am. There are a num­ber of ways to get to Essendon Fields (where the Essendon Air­port is locat­ed) and I have pro­vid­ed a map in this newslet­ter. It should be a good run, it is an indoor event, so any inclement weath­er should not real­ly pose any threat to the run.

Next month we have our pre­sen­ta­tion night to be held at the club rooms on the 20th of July, this is usu­al­ly a good event for the mid­dle of the year. For those who have not been to a club pre­sen­ta­tion night, I high­ly rec­om­mend it. This will be dis­cussed at tonights meet­ing. If any­one has any ques­tions about the club pre­sen­ta­tion night feel free to give me a call or even have a chat to Jim Bish­op at tonights meeting.

Some thought needs to giv­en to the inter club chal­lenge that we are host­ing this year against our friends (and foes) of the Mel­bourne Chap­ter. We have to think of some­thing that will be a great day out for both clubs. This event is planned for Sep­tem­ber, so if any­one has any ideas please let your com­mit­tee know.

We have also been invit­ed to a joint run with the Gipp­s­land His­toric Auto­mo­bile Club (Derk oth­er club) for a run in August to the Viet­nam Vet­er­ans Muse­um at Phillip Island. For those who attend­ed last year, spoke high­ly of the venue, so this year should be no different.

As you can see I am not at tonights meet­ing as I am away for a week. But you are in the capa­ble hands of Jim Bish­op. I will see you all at the Pres­i­dents run on the 16th of June.

Until next month, stay safe and safe travels.
