June 2021

Hi all,

Wel­come to the June newsletter.

I was only say­ing last month things are start­ing to get back to nor­mal and before we know it, we are back in a lock­down here in Mel­bourne and Vic­to­ria. As a result, this has thrown some of the club plans astray a little.

This month’s meet­ing will be held a week lat­er via zoom on Wednes­day 9th of June at 8.00pm details are in the club newslet­ter about this meet­ing. I will also send out an email to all club mem­bers with the invite to the meet­ing. For those on the com­mit­tee the com­mit­tee meet­ing will be held on the Tues­day pri­or, and I will again send an email out with the invite to the meeting.

This month’s run to Sale at this stage is still planned to go ahead, but this will depend on restric­tions that Vic­to­ria has clos­er to the date. If this is to change an email will be sent to all mem­bers that have reg­is­tered their inter­est in attending.

On a brighter note, I would like to wish on behalf of the club mem­bers a very hap­py birth­day to our club sec­re­tary and life mem­ber Rod Grum­mitt a very hap­py 80th birth­day this month. It is a cred­it for what you do for our club, and I hope you had a good day all things con­sid­er­ing re lockdown.

As you will see in the newslet­ter, it is mem­ber­ship fees renew­al time. The club bank­ing details are on the front page of the newslet­ter and a direct deposit is the eas­i­est way to pay at the moment due to lock­down. How­ev­er, remem­ber to put your sur­name in the ref­er­ence area when mak­ing the transaction.

I apol­o­gise for the late­ness of the newslet­ter this month. I have been home sick with a cold this week and was unable to com­plete it by the first Wednes­day of the month.

Hope­ful­ly things can get back to nor­mal and our run to Sale can go ahead as planned. Please check your emails over the next week or so on any changes to club runs, club meet­ings or any cor­re­spon­dence from the club.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
