June 2022

Hi all,

Wel­come to the June newsletter.

We had a good run dur­ing the month of May to the Elvis direct from Grace­land exhi­bi­tion in Bendi­go. There were a lot of peo­ple at the exhi­bi­tion and Bendi­go was real­ly pump­ing to the sounds of Elvis.

This month we have the Pres­i­dents run to Mary­bor­ough, via the Castle­maine Rod Shop in Castle­maine. There are fur­ther details in the newslet­ter for those attend­ing the Pres­i­dents run. I have heard a rumour that Mr Radenic is going to try and keep up with Big Trev with the drink­ing. Yeah, right that will happen.

In July we have our annu­al pre­sen­ta­tion night on Sat­ur­day the 16th of July at the Knox Club locat­ed at 480 Boro­nia Rd, Wan­tir­na South. Tick­ets are $36 a head and that is for a 3‑course meal. Pay­ment can be made tonight at the meet­ing. We now have eft­pos and cred­it card facil­i­ties available.

At the August meet­ing we will be hav­ing our Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing. If you have thought about join­ing the com­mit­tee or want to know what being on the com­mit­tee or being up at the front table is all about, please feel free to talk to me at the meet­ing tonight or con­tact me out­side the meet­ing or alter­na­tive­ly con­tact a com­mit­tee mem­ber for more details. Remem­ber we are always look­ing for fresh ideas and new faces on the committee.

Just anoth­er reminder that our club is host­ing the 43rd FX FJ Vic­to­ri­an State Titles on the week­end of 15 and 16th of Octo­ber at the Atu­ra Dan­de­nong. If you have not already booked your accom­mo­da­tion for this great week­end or sent your entry form in, can you please do this as soon as pos­si­ble. Rooms are fill­ing fast, and it will be a great week­end away with all our Vic­to­ri­an friends from the oth­er clubs.

Don’t for­get the Nation­als are on this year over the Christ­mas / New Years break. In Cooma NSW. Many have already booked their accom­mo­da­tion for the Nation­als but will need to re-enter the Nation­als as all mon­ey was refund­ed to entrants after the 2020 Nat’s were can­celled due to COVID. The nation­als will be a great event, we have some good events and day trips planned.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
