The month of May sees the continuation of changes to the club that started by our past president Jason King during Covid to make us a more professional club and with the signing of the lease agreement for the club rooms we continued.
During the last two months the committee has made plans for the redesigned of the committee room and the reorganisation of the garage to enable our club to function in a more organised fashion.
During the passed weekend the plans can to fruition with the help of many dedicated members who turned up on a cold wet Sunday morning and with clear will to do whatever was needed to complete the task. (see the run report) It indeed highlights the level of goodwill in the club given numbers that turned up and type of tasks set for members to carry out, some not pleasant but no one complained.
There was a short break for a bite to eat and they were back into it with great gusto.
Unfortunately because the task was so great there wasn’t much time to talk cars.
From myself and the committee, we like to thank everyone who helped out and particular thanks to Aldo for his work on building and installing the cupboards and shelves a to Steve Davies for his work on the Desk, Shelf and wall hangings.
I would hope that this work will allow all new committees to be better armed in the future to carry out their roles when required.
The next task is around the corner and we will update you in the near future.
Bruce Graham