Hi all,
Things are slowly getting back to a COVID normal, the mere fact that we are holding our second consecutive meeting this year at the club rooms is a great step forward.
The welcome back BBQ at the February meeting was a huge success and just by the show of numbers at the club meeting proved that. Then to have 16 cars (and an EK) on the club run to Arthurs Seat, just reaffirms that thought.
This month’s run is to Cheltenham/Moorabbin. I know I mentioned about the Coburg Drive Inn at the February meeting, that is still going ahead on the 27th of March, but that won’t be a designated run. When I have more details about that drive inn event from the Melbourne Chapter, I will send an email out to all members with details.
The run in April after Easter will be on the 18th of April and we will be heading to Castlemaine / Maldon area, which again should be a good day out.
Planning is going well for the 50th birthday celebrations to be held on the 4th of September. If you have any details or any past members, please pass them onto the committee, so we can make contact. I know Michael Delzoppo is chasing up all past members.
The State Titles is progressing well for October. Now if you haven’t already booked your accommodation, I would recommend that you book this rather soon, as at time of writing many rooms are already booked. If you have any concerns about the state titles, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee.
I know some members have had health issues this month and some have been hospitalised during the month. Please look after yourself and each other and I hope that all that have been ill are on the improve and are getting back to some sort of better health.
Anyway, that’s it for me for the month, I look forward to seeing so many familiar faces on the club runs and events.
If you are on the road, please drive safe.