March 2021

Hi all,

Things are slow­ly get­ting back to a COVID nor­mal, the mere fact that we are hold­ing our sec­ond con­sec­u­tive meet­ing this year at the club rooms is a great step forward.

The wel­come back BBQ at the Feb­ru­ary meet­ing was a huge suc­cess and just by the show of num­bers at the club meet­ing proved that. Then to have 16 cars (and an EK) on the club run to Arthurs Seat, just reaf­firms that thought.

This month’s run is to Cheltenham/Moorabbin. I know I men­tioned about the Coburg Dri­ve Inn at the Feb­ru­ary meet­ing, that is still going ahead on the 27th of March, but that won’t be a des­ig­nat­ed run. When I have more details about that dri­ve inn event from the Mel­bourne Chap­ter, I will send an email out to all mem­bers with details.

The run in April after East­er will be on the 18th of April and we will be head­ing to Castle­maine / Mal­don area, which again should be a good day out.

Plan­ning is going well for the 50th birth­day cel­e­bra­tions to be held on the 4th of Sep­tem­ber. If you have any details or any past mem­bers, please pass them onto the com­mit­tee, so we can make con­tact. I know Michael Del­zop­po is chas­ing up all past members.

The State Titles is pro­gress­ing well for Octo­ber. Now if you haven’t already booked your accom­mo­da­tion, I would rec­om­mend that you book this rather soon, as at time of writ­ing many rooms are already booked. If you have any con­cerns about the state titles, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact any mem­ber of the committee.

I know some mem­bers have had health issues this month and some have been hos­pi­talised dur­ing the month. Please look after your­self and each oth­er and I hope that all that have been ill are on the improve and are get­ting back to some sort of bet­ter health.

Any­way, that’s it for me for the month, I look for­ward to see­ing so many famil­iar faces on the club runs and events.

If you are on the road, please dri­ve safe.
