Firstly, I’d like to congratulate Tim and Michelle Sells on their marriage on the 1st of April 2023 and wish them all the best for their future together.
Our club run to Wonthaggi was a great success due the efforts of Aldo and Waggs.
We left the club rooms in the rain, met at the normal servo, left there in the rain, but as if it was planned the day got progressively better and finished in sunshine. (Please read the run report). Thanks Linda & Peter.
Those who are going to Winton and don’t have your tickets yet please see me so I can pass them on.
We have included with the magazine the latest information on the state titles for your information.
Please also check out our calendar of runs so you can plan for our upcoming car runs, some short some long.
Our club run for the Month of May will be a working bee at the club rooms and although we no longer are responsible for the Building Maintenance we have sole possession of the Committee Room and Garage which everyone who attends the rooms from time to time will understand these areas are in need of attention. So on that day bring you cars have a chat and help us reorganize so that we can be more efficient and the areas will be more user friendly in the future.
We also have some items for sale at good prices left over from previous functions that I’m sure would be of interest to all which we will display at our monthly meetings.
Presentation Night is 29th July 2023. Put it in your calendar.
Bruce Graham