November 2018

Hi all,
It’s good to be back after feel­ing refreshed from the cruise of the North and South Pacif­ic Ocean. I thank Jim Bish­op for chair­ing the Octo­ber meet­ing in my absence. It is a real excit­ing time of year in the FX FJ world. We have just had a won­der­ful State Titles in Cran­bourne, our club again took out a num­ber of awards, Neville, Chris and Richard Fox, Rohan, Big Trev, James, Ray, Rus­sell, Chris and Scot­ty Wood­bridge who won Grand Cham­pi­on Mod­i­fied. The state titles report by Jim Bish­op is in the newslet­ter. Next year Pap­py put his hand up and the state titles will be held by the Mel­bourne Chapter.

We are now only a mat­ter of weeks away from the Nation­als in Mur­ray Bridge in South Aus­tralia. As per oth­er Nation­als this will be a great event, any­one that goes to a Nation­als, nev­er leave dis­ap­point­ed. There are a few new club cars going to their first Nation­als. Entries have now closed for the Nation­als (to receive a good­ie bag) but I have recent­ly had a chat to my good friend Kym Gre­go­ry the Deputy Direc­tor of the Nats, who advis­es me that even after the date pass­ing, you can still enter and they will do anoth­er run of the mer­chan­dise (with a slight price increase due to the late order).

Jan and I trav­elled down to Trafal­gar on Sun­day 21 Octo­ber for the Trafal­gar Hold­en Muse­um Route 69 Cruise, it was a great turn out of cars, from every Hold­en mod­el. There were only a few club mem­bers attend­ed this non-run, which includ­ed, Jan and I, Derk, Har­ry Bul­man and Alan Saxon.

You will see in this newslet­ter a 4‑page blast from the past. Derk and I have been going through old club newslet­ters, and I have added to this newslet­ter the clubs August 1977 newslet­ter (a whole 4 pages of it). I real­ly like the Garage report sec­tion of the newslet­ter as it gives oth­er club mem­bers an idea on how that mem­ber is going with their build. Look­ing through the oth­er newslet­ters, which I will also add snip­pets over the com­ing months includes FJ sedans for sale for $70 and Pan­el­vans for $200, by club mem­bers. If only they were that price these days.

Don’t for­get our club xmas par­ty to be held on Sun­day the 2nd of Decem­ber at 11am at the club rooms, please see newslet­ter for fur­ther details. Our club run for this month is a lit­tle lat­er in the month to be held on Sun­day 25th Novem­ber 2018 at the Mel­bourne Steam Trac­tion Engine Club — 1200 Fer­n­tree Gul­ly Rd, Scores­by Each car will be required to pro­vide a $5 dona­tion to the Mel­bourne Steam Club. We plan on leav­ing the club rooms at 10am.

Stay safe and safe travels.
