November 2019

Hi all,

It has been a very busy month this month. I know that I said last month that the weath­er is start­ing to get bet­ter this time of year and it is a great time to be dri­ving your ear­ly, but we have to remem­ber we live in Mel­bourne and we can def­i­nite­ly get 4 sea­sons in 48 hours. We have had warm weath­er then the next day its been cold. The rea­son I men­tion this is that this month we attend­ed the 42nd State Titles held by the Mel­bourne Chap­ter at the RACV Gold­fields Resort in Creswick. It was such a great week­end, but boy was it cold up there. The amount of dew that was on the cars ear­ly on the Sun­day morn­ing was freezing.

Just on the state titles, there is a detailed report in this newslet­ter from Jim and heaps of pho­tographs of some of the cars and the tro­phy win­ners. I would like to thank the Mel­bourne Chap­ter for the won­der­ful state titles. Con­grat­u­la­tions to all those that received awards and I thank all that attend­ed and made it an enjoy­able event.

Ok its no secret that we are host­ing the 43rd State Titles. A deci­sion was made at the last State Titles Com­mit­tee meet­ing and was announced to the audi­ence at the Creswick state titles. Next years state titles will be held on the week­end of the 24th and 25th of Octo­ber, 2020 at the Yarra Val­ley Lodge and Her­itage Golf and Coun­try Club in Chirn­side Park. It will be the nor­mal state titles with the din­ner func­tion on the Sat­ur­day night and the show and shine on the Sun­day. More will be dis­cussed at our Novem­ber club meeting.

We have received new mem­bers from the Bendi­go club and I wel­come them to the club. I hope your time with our club is long and you have an enjoy­able time being a mem­ber of the EMHC.

As this newslet­ter is a big­ger newslet­ter than oth­er months, I have decid­ed the report and pic­tures I was going to write about myself dri­ving Her­man­n’s FJ in Ger­many will be includ­ed in the Decem­ber edi­tion of the club newsletter.

We have just been asked and accept­ed to have a Bun­nings BBQ fundrais­er on Sat­ur­day 14th Decem­ber at the Bun­nings in Ver­mont. This is on the Bur­wood High­way and is a big­ger Bun­nings that we have had our BBQ’s on in recent times at Not­ting Hill. For those mem­bers who are avail­able to come down for an hour or two on this day, would help a lot as it would make shar­ing the load of this day eas­i­er on all. If you are avail­able please advise one of the com­mit­tee members.

Dont for­get our club run for this month is to Richard Fox’s fac­to­ry in Bayswa­ter on Novem­ber 17th and the club will be pro­vid­ing lunch. There are more details in this newslet­ter. Our Club Christ­mas par­ty will again be held at the club rooms this year on Sun­day Decem­ber 8th and more will be dis­cussed at the gen­er­al meeting.

Any­way, that’s about it for me for this month.

Until next month, stay safe and safe travels.
