November 2023

Octo­ber has been a rel­a­tive­ly qui­et month in the most part, how­ev­er all that changed towards the lat­ter part of the month with the state titles com­ing up and cars to clean to a stan­dard not nor­mal­ly required.

And after see­ing our clubs’ cars over the week­end it was obvi­ous how much work had been put in by our members.

With 32 EMHC cars at Bal­larat and most of them judged out of 80, it shows the impor­tance of this club to AEHF in Vic­to­ria and Australia.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to all our mem­bers who put their pride and joy cars on the field at every State and Nation­als when they can.

Bal­larat shows the move­ment is still strong and the friend­ships are every last­ing and as we age it is the next gen­er­a­tion that needs to be inspired by peo­ple like Mea­gan Turner.

EMHC cars are dri­ven by their own­ers on our car runs every year and we should be extreme­ly proud of the fact that they show so well at titles.

To that end, in this month’s mag­a­zine is a com­plete list of tro­phy win­ners from the State Titles at Ballarat.

Tro­phies alone don’t reflect what every­one con­tributes to these events so from me well done EMHC.

Also in this month’s mag­a­zine is infor­ma­tion on next year’s Nationals.

DON’T FORGET Please put it in your Diary that we have our Bun­nings Sausage Siz­zle rev­enue rais­er on the 25th Novem­ber 2023 which is a very impor­tant event for the club, it keeps our mem­ber­ship costs down.

And last but not least our Christ­mas Par­ty is on the 3rd Decem­ber 2023 which is a fam­i­ly event so bring the kids and Grand­kids. All food and soft drinks pro­vid­ed. ( I’ve heard San­ta will be there)

Bruce Gra­ham
