October 2019

Hi all,

I am now back from my Euro­pean vaca­tion. I was gone 8 weeks and Janine and I had a great time away. There were a num­ber of high­lights all over Europe from vis­it­ing car fac­to­ries, through to vis­it­ing old ruins, it just shows you how young of a coun­try Aus­tralia real­ly is. How­ev­er Hold­en relat­ed the high­light of the trip was in the final few days when I met and stayed with Her­mann and his love­ly wife Elke at their home just out­side of Dus­sel­dorf. For those who don’t recall, Her­mann has a love­ly two tone green FJ Spe­cial sedan (with a red motor in it). It is still right hand dri­ve which makes it inter­est­ing to dri­ve in a left hand dri­ve country.

Due to the tight restraints to have this newslet­ter to the print­er, the “run report” from Ger­many did not make it into this newslet­ter but will make it in the Novem­ber newsletter.

Ok now to the seri­ous stuff, the Ear­ly Mod­el Hold­en Club has done its good deed for the year, in allow­ing the Mel­bourne Chap­ter to hold onto the inter club chal­lenge tro­phy. I was not there for the run, but Im sure the deci­sion to “gift” the tro­phy to the Mel­bourne Chap­ter had some­thing to do with our cur­rent ren­o­va­tions and hav­ing no where to real­ly dis­play it at the moment. So I guess it was bet­ter for Pap­py, Cam­mo and the Mel­bourne guys just to hold onto it for anoth­er year. On a seri­ous note though we are very lucky to have such a great rela­tion­ship with the Mel­bourne Chap­ter, one that is built on a great friend­ship and the love of the FX and FJ Holden.

Speak­ing of the Mel­bourne Chap­ter, the Club run for the month is the 42nd State Titles being held by the Mel­bourne Chap­ter at the RACV Gold­fields Resort in Creswick (just out­side Bal­larat) on the week­end of the 19th and 20th Octo­ber. There are more details in the newslet­ter. For those who have been to a state titles, you will agree that these are a great event on the cal­en­dar and for those who haven’t been to one yet, I would sug­gest to mark it on your cal­en­dar even if your car is not on the road. The Show and Shine will be held on the Sun­day the 20th of October.

As the weath­er is start­ing to get bet­ter this time of year, it is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to dust of the win­ter dust from your car and enjoy dri­ving your early.

Any­way, that’s about it for me for this month.

Until next month, stay safe and safe travels.
