October 2023

Good to back from hol­i­days, using our cred­its for trips booked in 2019, pre­covid, and unable to be used in 2020.

Thanks to Bren­ton for hold­ing the Fort in my absence and I’m sure he had great assis­tance from all the committee.

Sep­tem­ber car run was our annu­al inter­club chal­lenge with the Mel­bourne Chap­ter and saw a great turn out of high­ly skilled Ten Pin Bowlers from both clubs.

The unfor­tu­nate part is our mem­bers were out scored on the score sheet as judged by Richard Fox. (our Team).

Con­grat­u­la­tions Mel­bourne Chap­ter on your win and we look for­ward to next years event and to catch up.

With the state titles just around the cor­ner its time to get your Ear­ly cleaned up and ready to go.

Sep­tem­ber saw the pass­ing of one of our long­stand­ing mem­bers Doug Hed­ing­ton and we would like to send our con­do­lences to the Jean, and Family.

Please put it in your Diary that we have our Bun­nings Sausage Siz­zle rev­enue rais­er on the 25th Novem­ber 2023 which is a very impor­tant event for the club, it keeps our mem­ber­ship costs down.

And last but not least our Christ­mas Par­ty is on the 3rd Decem­ber 2023 which is a fam­i­ly event so bring the kids and Grand­kids. All food and soft drinks provided.

Bruce Gra­ham
